To Henrik Thostrup Jensen
We confirm that there are correlationID and replyTo elements in the dump of your reservationRequest message.
In response to your reservationRequest, our implementation locally generated an exception event because of name space problem (xmlns:ns0="").
We modified our implementation to return a serviceException message in case of name space exception.
The following is a part of SOAP payload from your dump.
We agree to use ns0 for reservationRequest, coorelationID, and replyTo elements.
I am not sure whether ns0 name space can be applied to the reservation element or not.
According to wsdl and schema documents, reservation and its children elements use the following name space defined in ogf_nsi_connection_types.xsd:
Could you check out the usage of name spaces for NSI messages?
The following is our example reservationRequest message with ns5 and ns6 name spaces.
<ns5:reservationRequest xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"
We are waiting for your response.
Thank you.
Best regard.
Hi again
On Fri, 2 Sep 2011, jeonghoon moon wrote:
We found out that ReplyTo and CorrelationID of your reservationRequest message did not have adequate
Please check out those information elements not to be set with “?”.
This is a dump of the SOAP payload I'm sending (I haven't changed the code since the initial request, and still fails the same way):
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<description>Test Connection</description>
The correlationId and replyTo fields are filled out. I am using an integer representation of the UUID, which might not be "correct" (are you trying to parse it as a UUID, or just using it as a string identifier?).
We upgraded our log site, and you can reach at:
Mime type looks good now, but I cannot see any entries from my request.
Thank you for connecting to our web services.
No problem, and thanks for setting it up, so we test it :-).