Hi, * *The action items with my name on it are: * 1 Hans T Hans T Timeout duration Agree the a common duration for timeouts in NSI CS. Note: Do we need different time-outs for tree and chain? 4 Hans T Hans T Monitoring Integration into monitoring needs to be addressed * Regarding 1: In my experience the suggested timeout of 2 minutes for both the MTL Timeout and the Coordinator timeout and the reservation timeout is sufficient for the current automated GOLE deployment. The default reserve timeout on many OpenNSA instances was 30 seconds, I have contacted most of them and they have increased the timeout to 2 minutes. The longest chain of NSAs that I have experience with is a chain of 4 (uRA -> aggregator -> aggregator -> uPA), a timeout of 2 minutes has proved to be sufficient until now. Regarding 4: This ended up as an work item on the GLIF Automated GOLE TF todo list for 2015. An initial document 'AutoGOLE Dashboard - v04' was written by Gerben and myself and was distributed on the automated GOLE mailing list. It will be a lot of work to create a comprehensive monitoring environment, but not many people have volunteered to help until now. My initial assessment is that we probably will need an extension to NSI to be able to really monitor the control plane, data plane monitoring can be integrated in existing monitoring applications relatively easy or can be programmed from scratch without the need for additional NSI features. Cheers, HansT. On 06/05/15 17:11, Guy Roberts wrote:
Hello All,
We have assigned people to work on the final issues that need to be resolved so that NSI v2.0 complete. This is available to view here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L622wvWqCNpBplNMc2ccoIPxZBSaRbXW1IPgoZJF...
The following people have been assigned tasks:
John M.
Hans T.
Henrik TJ.
Chin G.
T. Kudoh
Gerben M.
Could you all take a look at your tasks and let me know if you are happy with them? Also, please nominate a completion date if you have not already been assigned one.
Guy Roberts PhD
Senior Transport Network Architect
GEANT Limited Email: guy.roberts@geant.org <mailto:guy.roberts@geant.org>
Tel: +44 (0)1223 371316 Mob: +44 (0)7881 336417
GEANT Limited is part of the GÉANT Association
Networking. Services. People Learn more at: www.geant.org <http://www.geant.org/> and www.dante.net <http://www.dante.net/>
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