Hi All,


Here is a agenda proposal for the 4 NSI-WG sessions next week at Banff.  If you would like to add any topics, please let me know.





Tuesday 9.00am: Session 1 of NSI-WG meetings (90 mins)

Session chairs: Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga

Guy Roberts to present introduction to NSI sessions and summarize activity since last meeting.

John Vollbrecht to present a summary of status of architecture deliverable.


Tuesday 11.00am Session 2 of NSI-WG meeting  (90 mins)

Session chairs: Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga

Joan Garcia-Espin/Tomohiro Kudoh to present on their work on NSI interface instances and NSA relationships.

Guy Roberts to present discussion on handling technology specific aspects of service request.


Wednesday 1.00pm  Session 3 of NSI-WG meeting  (90 mins)

Session chairs: Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga

KDDI will present a use case for implementation of the NSI interface.  This is proposed to be used as the basis for section 12 of the architecture deliverable.

Discussion on next stage– The architecture deliverable has provided a platform for shaping the main concepts of the NSI into a set of requirements.   The next stage is to develop these into a protocol definition.  Nominations will be accepted for editors of deliverable 3 (NSI protocol definition).  Nominations to be discussed. 


Wednesday 2.45pm: Session 4 of NSI-WG meeting  (90 mins)

Session chairs: Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga

Discussion of the structure and content of deliverable 3, NSI protocol definition.



Two additional NSI related sessions have also been scheduled:


Monday 4.30pm: NSI - ETSI meeting  (90 mins)

Session chair Guy Roberts

Presenters:  Guy Roberts and Stephan Schulz

This session will explore the collaboration opportunities between NSI and the ETSI, in particular for the ETSI grid/cloud interoperability event.


Wednesday 2.45pm: Web service tutorial (90 mins)

I have requested this tutorial to help NSI and other new OGF participants understand how web services have been implemented in existing OGF standards.  Due to the clash with session 4 of the NSI-WG meeting I have requested that this tutorial time be changed.



Guy  Roberts,  Ph.D


Network Engineering & Planning

DANTE - www.dante.net

Tel: +44 (0)1223 371 316

City House, 126-130 Hills Road 

Cambridge, CB2 1PQ, UK
