Here is the updated version of the NSI schedule for this week:



Network Services Interface session 1. (conference room)

-          agenda for the week: Guy Roberts

-          status update: Guy Roberts

-          Control plane topology and message handling: John MacAuley



NSI session 2 (conference room)

-          IDCP vs NSI gap analysis. Inder/Chin

-          State Machine: Chin Guok, Tomohiro Kudoh, Henrik Thostrup Jensen


NSI session 3  (conference room)

-          Security profile (including, minimum information that should be shared through the protocol by all/involved NSAs.) : Inder Monga

-          Error handling, PA->RA communication: Henrik Thostrup Jensen, John MacAuley, Chin Guok



NSI-WS day 1   1:30-17:00 (Seminar room)

-          Message restructuring for optimization/WSDL issues and interface version discovery (including versioning): John MacAuley

-          Availability query.  Tomohiro Kudoh

-          Discussion on data plane topology requirements to be fed to NML WG  (get NSI team all on the same page): Jerry Sobieski



9:00-12:30, NSI team attend the NML-WG sessions 1 & 2  (conference room)

-          Combined NML/NSI discussion on topology.

-          Topology representation, NML-related, type/value pair representation: Jeroen van der Ham, Freek Dijkstra, Group discussion

NSI-WS day 2 13:30-17:00 (Seminar room tbc)

-          Users' equipment connection model: Tomohiro Kudoh

-          Sub-path (route or ERO): Chin Guok, Tomohiro Kudoh


NSI-WS day 3 9:00-17:00  (Access Grid room)

-          NSA-client interface: John MacAuley, Inder Monga

-          firewall/NAT issue: John MacAuley, Henrik Thostrup

-          Service Definition (SD): Jerry Sobieski

-          Federation: Jerry, Tomohiro Kudoh


NSI-WS day 4 9:00-17:00  (Access Grid room)

-          Optional constraints: Chin Guok

-          Uni-directional circuits: Jerry Sobieski

-          Sending unsolicited messages from PA to RA: Jerry Sobieski





      **       Guy Roberts, PhD     Network Engineering & Planning

    *    *                          Tel:    +44 (0)1223 371300

   *      *    City House           Direct: +44 (0)1223 371316

   *           126-130 Hills Road   Fax:    +44 (0)1223 371371

  *            Cambridge

  *            CB2 1PQ              E-mail:

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