<xsd:complexType name="TypeValueType">
<xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
After considerable discussion, I decided to propose a single collapsed P2PS service element like we originally defined.
<xsd:element name="p2ps" type="tns:P2PServiceBaseType"/>
<xsd:complexType name="P2PServiceBaseType">
<xsd:element name="capacity" type="xsd:long" />
<xsd:element name="directionality" type="types:DirectionalityType" default="Bidirectional" />
<xsd:element name="symmetricPath" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="sourceSTP" type="types:StpType" />
<xsd:element name="destSTP" type="types:StpType" />
<xsd:element name="ero" type="types:StpListType" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="parameter" type="types:TypeValueType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
Having the separate ETS service element just for MTU seemed over kill. We can now put these types of additional parameters into the "parameter" element similar to vlan in the label:
As for the under qualified and fully qualified STP, I recommended we write a section covering it in the service specific section of the CS specification. That is, if we plan on supporting it. I would suggest we support the same rules as NML for specification (must use LabelGroup, can have multiple LabelGroup elements, with each element containing a series of comma separated ranges (e.g. 1775-1777, 1780-1790). If the under qualified STP is provided in a reservation request, then the reservation confirmed contains the fully qualified STP in the "label" element as selected by the Provider NSA.
I have a slide pack documenting these and a few other changes that have been done. I will send it out today or tomorrow depending on a few actions I still need to close.