7 Oct
7 Oct
12:33 a.m.
Comment #3 on issue 41 by takahiro...@gmail.com: Do we replace the replyTo field with a topology/NSA configuration lookup? http://code.google.com/p/ogf-nsi-project/issues/detail?id=41 I want to use the replyTo field. Currently, all NSA act as requester and provider. In this case, we are able to look up the csProviderEndpoint of requesters easily. However, in near future, some NSA act as only a requester, e.g. PerfSONAR and AutoEarth. It is difficult to describe and manage all requester endpoints as same as provider ones. Moreover, it causes a high barrier to publish new requesters. Therefore, a requester endpoint should be obtained using the replyTo field in the SOAP message payload.