Hello all, Following on from today's NSI discussions, the following new NSI requirements are proposed. Could you please take a look and let me know if you are happy to accept these as agreed requirements? Guy ---------------- Not UNI like: R1.1.10 The NSI architecture must not force services requests to originate from any specific NSA. (i.e. this is different to MPLS UNI which only allows connections requests that terminate on the node associated with the UNI) Provisioning complete notification: D2.1.12a The Notify function must support a notification to indicate that provisioning has been completed. (this is to allow local timer based initiation of provisioning to be notified to the Requester NSA) Provisioning initiation methods: D2.2.6 Connection provisioning is initiated in two possible ways: 1: When a Requestor NSA signals to the Provider NSA. 2: Once a scheduled resource reaches the start time. (I guess this implies the need for some way of indicating which type of initiation of provisioning should be used) Advanced reservation and near-immediate reservation method: D2.2.13 A requester NSA will create advanced reservation type Connection requests by setting a start time and end time. D2.2.14 A requester NSA will be able to request near-immediate Connections by setting a start time soon after the current time, subject to guard time limits. Note that the guard time concept is added here to allow validation of start times that are near-to-present-time. This makes start times more deterministic and reduces race conditions and other problems during connection creation -Guy Roberts 4/7/10 4:56 PM D2.2.15 A Provider NSA when scheduling a Connection request will perform a guard time test on the start time as follows: If the start time is less than current time + guard time then the connection request will be rejected. D2.2.16 The guard time will be agreed based on local policy and managed by the NSA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guy Roberts, Ph.D Network Engineering & Planning DANTE - www.dante.net<http://www.dante.net/> Tel: +44 (0)1223 371 316 City House, 126-130 Hills Road Cambridge, CB2 1PQ, UK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------