Guy Roberts wrote:
*NSI-WS day 1* (room to be advised)
(9:00-10:30, NML/NSI session on topology)
- Topology representation, NML-related, type/value pair representation: Jeroen van der Ham, Freek Freek Dijkstra, Group discussion
Is this on Wednesday? That won't work as it conflicts with the regular NML sessions on that day. See http://www.ogf.org/gf/event_schedule/index.php?event_id=23 Would it be possible to move this to Monday or Tuesday? I think that the second NML session (Wednesday 11.00-12.30 will also be relevant for NSI folks, as it discusses how to describe aggregated topologies and VLANs.) The third session (Wednesday 13.30-15.00 probably won't be relevant for NSI, but only for NML draft editors). Regards, Freek Dijkstra