After looking at the difference between the status query and the path query I realized it was really a reservation "summary" query and a reservation "details" query.  The only difference between the two being the "details" query returned the recursive detailed path and state information, otherwise, the information returned was identical.  The original "status' and "path" didn't really represent the true nature of the operations.

So I am proposing that there is a single query operation with the option for choosing reservation "summary" or "details".


On 2011-08-07, at 4:21 PM, Jerry Sobieski wrote:

Hi John - Here is how I see this working: 

The NSA making the Query() request is always the RA and the NSA receiving that Query() request and providing the information is always the PA.   The RA/PA relationship exists for each primitive.   NSAs always shift roles if/when they need to work the service tree.  It does not matter what role they may have played in other primitives.   (Just as an NSA performs both RA and PA roles for reserve requests, likewise for the Query request.)

What is a "summary" query you refer to?   I only recall that we decide on a "status" query and a "path" query.   And I am confused - you say you are asking about a "path" query...then mention a summary query...  Can you elaborate?

Thanks man!

On 8/6/11 9:54 AM, John MacAuley wrote:

I just thought of a small issue with respect to the detailed path query.  How will it work when an provider agent queries a requestor agent as is permitted with the original summary query?  Do we say the detailed query is not allowed from provider agent to requestor agent?

Thank you,

On 2011-08-03, at 12:42 PM, Guy Roberts wrote:

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