Hi everyone - this is long (sorry) but this is a long held response to the so called "label" issue. We need to engage on this... Our topology model works just fine for path finding. Period. As is. It is critical for people to understand this. It works for flat VLANs, it works for swapping, it works for essentially any network connection service. Try to get away from conventional signaling ways of thinking and look at how NSI is positioned to do this and the power it brings. NSI is about *connections* - not VLANs, not waves, not LSPs... The abstraction it presents to the user is a connection model that works regardless of underlying technologies. We want to optimize it so that it is more efficient, but _/it does work now /_- make no mistake on this. And if we want to optimize it, you need to make sure we understand what is happening and that we are optimizing where it will help. Not simply posing one technology specific nuance. Given our present NSI topology, VLAN selection is not a problem. Any application agent (uRA) that wishes to initiate a connection between two endpoints can issue a ReservationRequest specifying the STPs it wants as the endpoints. Since that uRA is making the initial request - we *must* assume it knows the endpoints it wishes to connect. There is no way for a PA to presume to know where the RA wants to connect except by the RA specifying the specific endpoints in the connection request. If the uRA has some internal flexibility and is able to use any endpoint from of a custom set of useable endpoints, then the uRA can/should just choose one itself and ask for that endpoint in the connection request. We must presume that the requesting agent is also aware of which endpoints are available for its purposes if it knows which are usable. And why would any requesting agent say "oh - just give me a connection from anywhere to anywhere...I don't care..." ??? Thats just odd... So do we need to represent every possible label as an endpoint? as an STP? Maybe not... We don't necessarily define a host name for every IP address in our /8 - but those IP addresses nevertheless exist. But we do define host names when we want to disassociate the name of the host from the particular IP address it may currently be using. There are probably more efficient ways to represent the endpoint STPs than full enumeration, but _/the abstraction is critically important: Connections need specific endpoints. /_ So we can either specify a symbolic name (STP) to represent the specifics of the topological point it represents, or we need to find another generic way to represent topological points that are [un-enumerated] STPs. Perhaps an arbitrarily long tuple that describes the topological address: network/switch/blade/port/color/label/label/label/label...etc.? ( this is similar to using the IP address itself rather than a hostname, right?) In this scenario, we can enumerate named STPs, or we could simply use the raw tuple itself in the ReservationReq (e.g. <network><switch><port><label>) to identify the desired endpoint. This implies some added semantics are necessary in the topology relations, and at least a minor change to the CS protocol to accept either form of an endpoint specification,... but it does not break the high level connection abstractions. This is very important. Thoughts? Another key aspect we must now be explicit about is how we do pathfinding. Path selection is a process of selecting a sequence of hops through networks, nodes devices etc. In order for a path finder to decide if a "hop" will work for a path request, the pathfinder must be able to "model" that hop, or predict its function - match a set of service constraints against the parameters that describe that object. For example: In order to decide if a SONET circuit can be crossconnected through a device, one must be able to understand the functioning of that device- is it a Ethernet switch? SDH? Infinband? MPLS? Likewise, if one wants to know if an NSI Network will form a valid component of a "connection", one must know something about how that NSI Network object functions. We are no longer in a monolithic network where every switching device is implicitly the same. So each topological element must have a Transit Function (TF) that describes it. Ala "network", "GOLE", "node", a "switch", etc. Without this, explicitly or implicitly, pathfinding cannot work. End of story. This TF may be a type code: such as F10E300, or C7609, etc. or a generic function: Node, Multiplexor, Demux, Encapsulater, de-encapsulator. switch, etc. and those codepoints must be explicitly defined so that *all* pathfinders can interpret their TF consistently when they are found in a topology. Is DToX ontology something that could function in this manner? Could we tweek it to do so? We can possibly define a set of basic "well known" Transfer Functions, but I doubt we will be able to define /all possible/ transfer functions, and at some point there will be some device or region which we will not know how to model...an opaque region of the topology. In these cases, the only alternative is to have an agent written that models that particular device and ask that agent to model it for us and just give us a pass/fail for our constraints. So while we may be able to model some generic topological functions, and maybe even some common complex devices, we won't be able to practically model in detail complex regions or the exact details of low level devices...so we need to identify an oracle or an agent associated with each such topological object that we can query to see if the object can/will work, and to reserve the resources for this request. So for now, all we have in the NSI topology are "NSI Networks". These *DO* have a Transfer Function. Its implicit, and may be the default, but it is the following: "Any [ingress] port can be crossconnected to any [egress] port - if resources are available." The "any to any" is important, but the real rub is the "if resources are available". So in our current model, the TF is implicit but clear nonetheless, and the "oracle" is the NSA. As we stand now, all NSI Networks by default are assumed to have the "any-to-any" TF. We use that fact to select a candidate path, and then we check resource availability with a ReservationRequest. Since some of our networks cannot actually do "any-to-any" (i.e. they were advertising untruths about their capabilities), those NSAs simply reject the requests they cannot perform as if they had just run out of resources. A robust remote pathfinder will try alternate paths until all possibilities are exhausted. Indeed, to indicate limited VLAN crossconnectivity we could in fact advertise separate networks - one for vlan 1780, one for vlan 1781, etc. This works. Quite well in fact. And short circuits the exhaustive search issue...as all crossconnects *can* actually be made if resources are available, and a remote PF simply has to choose the right egress from the preceding network. IF they are advertising correctly, then the exhaustive VLAN search problem is solved. For example: NL > SL; if NL can swap and indicates so by offering all SDPs in one network, and SL splits into four networks SL80,SL81,SL82,and SL83 to indicate which crossconnects can be made by each service region - each terminating the right link from NL, then it all works...no changes necessary except to the topology description. This may suck as a general solution due to the many VLAN planes required, but its really a flaw with the Ethernet switching capabilities at SL - it can not swap VLANs...no wishing will change that. Further, such VLAN planes may not represent VLAN planes at all - they may represent other types of limitations...so simply because they rub the fur the wrong way doesn't mean they are inappropriate or an aberation that will never really be seen. Its not the topology abstractions or the protocol abstractions at fault. But admittedly, searching the space is slow - which is one problem, but not a fault of the architecture or the protocol. We need to understand why such simple ReservationRequests with known available but limited resources like in the demos takes more than a couple milliseconds... (!) Even latency across oceans cannot be held blameless here - as a more efficeint MTL might require far fewer handshakes...The NSI protocol itself is not chatty. The false assumption we have is that by knowing topology that we will magically be able to speed everything up. There is no free lunch - labels do not fundamentally remove the complexity of the processing and so will only speed things up in certain cases. It would be a tragedy to throw away powerful abstractions for such a small gain. And Global topology won't speed things up either, indeed it is far more likely to overwhelm with deluge of detail. What we *might* be able to do is provide a *better* solution...i.e. even though the complexity is high, we may be able to produce a more exacting path - one that is better in certain measurable ways over conventional hop-by-hop PF. So let me reiterate: Enumerating the STPs we wish to use to form a resource pool is *NOT* a scaling problem. The size of the XML data representation is not the problem - if it were, we would not insist on using XML based representations. Is it the size of the database that concerns us by representing each possible STP for each VLAN??...nah - we would have to do that anyway if each VLAN were actually used for circuits. So that doesn't fly as a scaling issue either. And in fact, the enumeration of every VLAN does not add computational complexity in itself - its linear with the number of VLANs available no matter how many networks there are. And frankly, there is *no* requirement that the XML (OWL) representation must be retained internal to an NSA...we only stipulate that it be in RDF/OWL format for common exchange and common interpretation. An NSA can store the info internally however it deems most efficient. And any decent RDB can index millions of VLAN entries and/or connections and/or semantic relations in a DB effortlessly. So just enumerating the VLANs (labels) as STPs is not really an issue...its just not. Where we have a possible concern is the search space and the potential of an exhaustive search over a large space can in fact be huge. So we want tread carefully, to do so efficiently. But this complexity problem will not be solved with labels - The search space is still the same whether you pose labels as attributes or as enumerated items. And since all you can minimally assume will be available in the topology are the STPs and SDP adjacencies, you might have to do the search anyway like it or not. The real constraints are not choosing a label, its checking the availability of selected resources. The only way to optimize the constraint based search problem to choose the order of your constraint checking so as to prune the search space effectively. VLAN id is probably not an efficient primary constraint to accomplish that. Further, how you represent the topology internal to an NSA is a implementation issue. If a remote pathfinder has to search by trial and error to find a successful VLAN...you are ignoring all the other constraints that could either themselves make the search space enormous or could significantly prune the search space apriori if chosen wisely. We cannot dis an exhaustive search for a useable VLAN unless you also look at all the other constraints for their complexity as well. Pathfinding *IS* hard.. but you must optimize the entire process - but label representation and selection is both a non-issue and the least of our concerns. And having selected a path, there is *still* the reservation process - even if you had neon lights advertising the available VLANids at every boundary, you still need to access the oracle (NSA) to confirm any candiate path. And so you could very easily find yourself in an exhaustive search looking for a VLAN that has the available capacity or adequate buffering or...etc. Labels do not solve the search problem. The only way to solve it is to provide a full detailed topology to every pathfinder (not likely in real world or even the R&E world) or ask the local pathfinder with access to the local topology details and state to select a path for you (much more viable approach). There is a middle ground also, where the remote pathfinder may have some partial (high level) topology view and can select some high level path, and then contact each object (network) along that path and ask them to confirm their portion of it with their internal detailed information. This latter middle ground is IMO the best we can hope for. But even our worst case on minimal topology knowledge works as we saw last week in Seattle. Opaque topology regions are not evil. They can be highly useful. They are how the NSI Framework scales. And they are essential to enable each network to assert their own autonomy and to hide minutia details. Asserting that technology specific nuances are necessary for NSI remote pathfinders to work is simply not true. These past demos are proof. You can't tell me that its a protocol scaling issue if the absolute worst case exhaustive search of a VLAN space consisting of roughly 1000 combinations would take more than a few seconds ... if it does, on a network with 12 nodes, we have some very very poor implementations. And unfortunately, labels do not solve this problem. The problem is the fact that you want to do tree segmentation (i.e. remotely choose the endpoints across each network) and at the same time want the target network to choose the endpoints for you so you don't have to try lots of reservations...duh! What you are implicitly saying is that "I really want the local pathfinder would do the hard stuff because it is so much faster dealing with its own topology and has so much more state knowledge...hmmm.... Finally, I am unable to see a requirement where intermediate VLAN IDs that form a peering between two transit networks are of issue to the original connection request. If the transit network can swap vlans, then you can choose any intermediate vlan you want - i.e. any STP regardless of which VLAN it represents... And if it doesn't do vlan translation but implied it could because it advertised the functionality in the topology and now you are stuck doing an exhaustive search...who's fault is that? Its not a NSI problem if a network misrepresents what it can do or runs out of resource. If a PF simply cannot progress the connection - for VLAN reasons or other resources, its not going to be solved by labels. As discussed above, a reservation can be rejected for lots of reasons leading to an exhaustive search for a viable STP.. In any case, picking an intermediate point because of its VLAN tag is IMO superfluous. Its what old signaling protocols had to do because of the way they were designed. NSI accomplishes this but in a highly structured manner. We have an extremely novel and powerful architecture in NSI. Don't trip over the conventional thinking of conventional protocols...if we want conventional - just use GMPLS. or Q2931 or Q2764... or IDCP (:-) Best regards all- Thanks for reading... Jerry On 11/28/11 11:23 AM, ogf-nsi-project@googlecode.com wrote:
Comment #2 on issue 50 by jmacau...@gmail.com: Pathfinding functionality review http://code.google.com/p/ogf-nsi-project/issues/detail?id=50
At the NSI protocol currently stands we would have to fully qualify a reservation request at the root PA. There is no mechanism in place for space based parameters to be negotiated down the tree since each child PA may select a different set. Something to think about when designing the vlan capabilities. The root PA will need to be able to select that target vlan.
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