Hi Please remember to keep your NSI agents running and well-taken care of so people can test their implementations against yours. Here is a short reservation test result: OpenNSA WS reservation test client Network: Aruba Reservation created. Connection ID: urn:uuid:bcfa9dda-ea7b-11e0-9905-00144f20a8d2 Network: Bonaire Callback for call urn:uuid:bd0924e0-ea7b-11e0-9905-00144f20a8d2/reservation from urn:ogf:network:nsa:Bonaire-OpenDRAC timed out. Network: Curacao Callback for call urn:uuid:c8f50fa8-ea7b-11e0-9905-00144f20a8d2/reservation from urn:ogf:network:nsa:Curacao-AutoBAHN timed out. Network: Dominica Callback for call urn:uuid:d4e0feee-ea7b-11e0-9905-00144f20a8d2/reservation from urn:ogf:network:nsa:Dominica-OSCARS timed out. Network: Grenada org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: Could not initialize class com.sun.xml.internal.ws.spi.ProviderImpl Network: Jamaica Reservation created. Connection ID: urn:uuid:e18453ee-ea7b-11e0-9905-00144f20a8d2 Network: Martinique Callback for call urn:uuid:e5561296-ea7b-11e0-9905-00144f20a8d2/reservation from urn:ogf:network:nsa:Martinique-DynamicKL timed out. Result: 2/7 succesfull registrations. Come on, we can do better :-). Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at ndgf.org> NORDUnet / Nordic Data Grid Facility.