Hi On Sat, 6 Jul 2013, John MacAuley wrote:
In comment #2 below, Henrik asks if we could discard the serviceAttributes element all together and include the service specific element from external namespaces directly in the parent element. Yes we can definitely do this, and there will be no loss of information.
The XML example would also appear as follows:
<criteria version="1"> <schedule> <startTime>2013-09-30T09:30:10Z</startTime> <endTime>2013-09-30T10:30:10Z</endTime> </schedule> <serviceType>ETS.Bidirectional</serviceType> <p2p:p2pService>
Actually this was not quite what I had in mind. You don't really need the serviceType elements above. The <p2p:p2pService> is more than enough to identify the type of request. This way one will only have to look at the element name before deciding if one can process the request. It is simpler and less brittle, and provides an easier way to create new request types, as no one needs to haggle over values for what should be in <serviceType>. Furthermore, I think we should consider having a different request type for plain ethernet and ethernet with VLAN. E.g.,
<ptpeth:EthernetVLANService> <bandwidth>1000</bandwidth> <directionality>Bidirectional</directionality> <symmetricPath>true</symmetricPath> <sourceSTP> <networkId>urn:ogf:network:netherlight.net:2012</networkId> <localId>uvalight-netherlight</localId> <vlan>1901</vlan> </sourceSTP>
And one without the VLAN tag for plain ethernet. This has the benefit of making it much clearer what goes in on the request. The label stuff confuses the users a lot. Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net> Software Developer, NORDUnet