Hi all,
The following is dial-in information for Wednesday's NSI call, time: 7:00 PDT 10:00 EDT, 15:00 GMT, 16:00 CET, 24:00 JST
1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada) 2. International participants dial: Toll Number: 303-248-0285 Or International Toll-Free Number: http://www.readytalk.com/intl 3. Enter 7-digit access code 8937606, followed by “#”
· OGF34 preparation
· Scheduling clash on Wednesday between NSI workshop and NML-WG session
· Review assignment list:
1. State Machine: Tomohiro, Chin, Henrik
2. Service Definition(SD): Jerry
3. Topology representation, NML-related, type/value pair
representation: Jeroen, Freek, Team
4. Users' equipment connection model: Tomohiro
5. Control plane topology and message handling: John, Henrik
6. Security profile: Inder
including, minimum information that should be shared through the protocol by (all/involved) NSAs.
7. Error handling, PA->RA communication: John, Henrik, Chin
8. Federation: Jerry, Tomohiro
9. Optional constraints: Chin
10. NSA-client interface: John, Inder
11. Uni-directional circuit: Jerry
12. Sub-path (route or ERO): Chin, Tomohiro
** Guy Roberts, PhD Network Engineering & Planning
* * Tel: +44 (0)1223 371300
* * City House Direct: +44 (0)1223 371316
* 126-130 Hills Road Fax: +44 (0)1223 371371
* Cambridge
* CB2 1PQ E-mail: guy.roberts@dante.net
D A N T E United Kingdom WWW: http://www.dante.net