To Henrik Thostrup Jensen**** ** ** We found out that ReplyTo and CorrelationID of your reservationRequest message did not have adequate information.**** Please check out those information elements not to be set with “?”.**** We upgraded our log site, and you can reach at: **** Thank you for connecting to our web services.**** ** ** Best regards. On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj@nordu.net>wrote:
On Thu, 1 Sep 2011, jeonghoon moon wrote:
We have just finished the first version of NSI web services. (dynamicKL in
KISTI) Our implementation supports reservation, provision, release, termination, and query messages.
It can be reached at:**nsi/ConnectionServiceProvider<>
The log for our web services is available here:**dynamicKLInfo/dynamicKL.log<>
Could you try to connect to our web services?
I tried connecting from orval.grid.aau.dk, and made a reservation attempt from M1 to M4. I got an initial confirmation for the reservation request, but never got a callback for the confirmation of the reservation.
I also cannot see anything in the log (also, could you set the mime type, so the log can be viewed in the browser).
Best regards, Henrik
Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at ndgf.org> NORDUnet / Nordic Data Grid Facility.
-- Jeonghoon Moon Supercomputing Center Dept.of Infrastructure Technology Development KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Tel : +82-42-869-0578 Fax : +82-42-869-0589 H.P : +82-10-2534-6754 Skype : otello90 MSN : otellomoon@hotmail.com "Expect Great Things from God Attempt Great Things for God"