
Could we also discus a few open items?

1. Connection states in ErrorEventType and ReserveTimeoutRequestType notifications - do we need them?
2. How are notification messages passed up the tree?  There is no source NSA information and connectionIds get mapped as they head up the tree, so we do not know where the original issue occurred.
3. How do we handle the provision and lifecycle state machines when the initial reservation request has not yet been committed?  Do we make them optional, and therefore, do not exist when queried, or do we include a first state not yet modelled?

There are a few more, but I don't want to dominate the meeting :-)


On 2013-05-28, at 6:19 AM, Guy Roberts <> wrote:

Hi all,
I would like to thank John MacAuley  for his mammoth efforts over the past few days (and weeks) in documenting the detail of the NSI Connection Service schema.
This has now been merged with the latest version of the Connection Service protocol document and is available to download here:
I would like to use tomorrow’s call to do a first high-level review of the document to see what editing efforts we need in preparation for Maastricht.
In preparation for this week’s call, could everyone please take a look at the document and check that the parts you have contributed are correctly incorporated?
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Guy Roberts PhD
Senior Transport Network Architect
Cambridge, UK
+44 1223 371316
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