On Mon, 28 Jan 2013, John MacAuley wrote:
THe agreement out of our last meeting was to introduce the querySynch() command to support a synchronous (blocking) summary query command. This operation would not support the detailed query behaviours.
To maintain consistency in operation naming, I would like to break the current asynchronous query operation into two separate commands: query() that would provide the asynchronous summary query for the schedule, and queryDetails() that would provide the recursive tree view of the schedule.
Sounds good. The structure in the reply is a bit odd.
I am open for naming changes as well. If someone thinks querySummary() and querySummarySynch() are better operation names.
I'm okay with the Summary name. However I think that usually one abbreviates synchronous as "sync", without the h. I also find the queryDetails name a bit misleading, as it doesn't really reflect the nature of the request. Maybe queryTree/treeQuery or queryRecursive? Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net> Software Developer, NORDUnet