Hey John - see
comments below...
On 11/7/13 3:31 PM, John
MacAuley wrote:
I don't think it is silly, and there are use cases in the A-GOLE today so it is justified.
1. Today we have no switching services defined so the definition is no label swapping on any ports and would be equivalent to having a switching service defined with all ports but label swapping set to false. This means only like labels can be connected. The question I have is if this is always the case, even when a switching service is defined.
You don't need "switching services". This is just a
throwback to a desire to map any/all hardware capabilities
into a single "service". Don't do this. It artificially
makes a hard problem where there is non. NSI is about the
service - not about the hardware.
Define simple
services and interconnect those and be done.
Don't try to cover all the "what-ifs"(!) of various
ancient hardware.
If your *service* needs to do label swapping, then build
that into the underlying infrastructure and quit trying to
fix broken hardware (!) You need to get away from this
notion that our *service* must present all features of our
hardware - bad! If you need 100G, do you build it from
lots 1G switches just because that's what you have? Or do
you go buy a new set of equipment that does 100G?... Same
thing here - the service defines the engineering and not
the other way around. If you define the service to be
simple, you don't need to worry about any of this - let
the engineers make it so. So define a service that has
STPs with different labels, and have the engineers buy
hardware that does swapping and quit complaining about how
hard flat VLANs are. If you need label swapping - build
it! If flat switches cause problems - don't use them!
Get the correct equipment for the job(!)
And now adaptation... Why do you need to associate
"switching services" with labels? THis is implicit in
the NSI Service they are part of. STPs crossconnect to
other STPs. If you add STPs where this is not possible
or does not make sense, then you are changing the NSI
Service...its not a "Connection Service" anymore. If
you want to tunnel Ethernet frames over Sonnet..build the
tunnel in advance, establsih the peering point between the
ingress network and the egress network, inject it itno the
advertised topology, and ...Wala! Adjacent networks! No
need to define all this global hardware exposure. Please
try to see it differently - We don't need to do all this
multi-layer adaptation in order to provide the
I strongly STRONGLY encourage everyone to avoid thinking
of NSI service concepts that try to reflect the hardware
you already have (or bought 8 years ago.) Think of the
service in terms of what
we need it to do - not
in terms of what the devices we already have may or may
not be able to do.
Take for instance the label swapping issue - We don't
build a Connection Service in order to do "label
swapping". We build the COnnection Service to provision
connections edge to edge - the label swapping is simply a
technology specific feature that allows us to engineer
more scalable services. If you think this through, you
will realize that there are many ways to advertise
topological information. We have a very simple mechanism
inherent in the basic NSI architecture that expose no
hardware artifacts...and we are making it extremely
complex in order to do things that you cannot expect other
networks to do. In the case of a EFTS service that
can't do label swapping, we have ways to advertise this
that do not require the label swaping flag at all, or can
set it anyway they want. You can't control it.
For example: While everyone denigrated the notion of
"stacked" topologies that each contained a single
non-swapping vlan, the fact is - it works. And it is
simple. And if some network...say Nordunet advertised
5 networks that each had a single opaque STP for each
peering point, how would your pathfinder know that? Its
a valid topological announcement - so your pathfinder
should still use it successfully. And doing so, I could
set the LabelSwaping flag in each to True and it would
*still* work.
If everyone used this topological format to announce flat
services, think how simple the pathfinder would be. We
would not need LabelSwapping flags at all. And it would
be immediately evident from the expressed topology that
only one transit STP will successfully reach the
destination. So this addresses the exhaustive search
issue as well.
We *really* don't need to make NSI so complex.
Best regards