We had a small group yesterday John V Tomohiro Jerry Sobieski Jeroen Discussion - We discussed the context and motivation doc I sent out to which attempts to include points from Guy and from Jerry/ Jeroen. Some comments - - There is confusion in doc (and in my head) about the difference between a network and a network service. I have calleded what is actually a network a network service, and this needs to be fixed. - cleaning up an understaning of Network, network service, network service agent and network service interface is needed - difference in emerging networks between R&E, Commercial provider and home user is in the doc but needs to be reworked. - we discussed how new paradigm draws from technology in both IP and telecom. It is suggested that this does not belon g in context part of doc. - we discussed relationship to NML group - particularly the role o NML in defining Global naming for network instances. - we agreed that a network is the atomic element in a multi-network environnment. There was a lot of discussion about this - one implication is that the NSI interface does not deal with how a network makes something happen. The NSI interface is only for providing services by the network as as whole. I will modify the context and motivation and send it out to the group in the next couple days. We also discussed the document outline I sent. We decided that an overview section needed to be inserted between the Context and Data-Plane overview sections. This section would explain the overall architecture. We will use the ESNet doc as input for some of this. I will attempt to put this as well as draft sections on Google Docs in the next few days. -- John