Hi all- I need a point of contact for each NSI Development team participating in the Rio Plugfest. I need to begin coordinating the schedule - which means I need input from you all. Please send me directly the following: 1. Implementation Name: e.g. "OSCARS", "DRAC" etc. 2. Project manager for the development effort. name/email/mobile/skype. 3. Key software engineer name/email/mobile/skype. 4. Indicate which individuals will be in Rio in person to participate in the Plugfest. 5. Status - Please provide a brief status of your implementation. In particular, I am looking for status of key technical capabilities, when you expect to begin and/or complete them. Please review the Plugfest guide (attached) for guidance on what capabilities I am looking for progress. Also, if there are any obstacles, please note them - I may be able to help, or others may need to consider them as well. Lastly- please review the plugfest guide. This is what you will be demonstrating in 5 weeks! If this is not clear, too easy, or too ambitious, etc... we need to know. Thanks! Jerry