I am very much against assigning semantics to parts of STP identifiers.
I don't follow the discussion as closely as Jeroen, but I must agree with him here. That is not to say that I dislike the idea of a compact notation that represents a group of labels (such as a group of VLANs). In fact, I think it is a splendid idea. However, I would recommend to create 1 (one) identifier for this thing, where "this thing" is a resource that specifies a group of labels at a given port. So for example, identifier urn:ogf:network:example.net:2012:su8cnkhfjkshfew8n with type=STP-group and attributes label-type=VLAN and label-range="{1-42,58-63}" or something along these lines. The advantage is that it is possible to later add a VLAN to this group without changing the identifier. Regards, Freek