Hi Freek, John, All;
John Vollbrecht wrote:
A NSI network can be describe as a NML group specifically owned by an NRM - I don't think there is any problem with this. Nodes and links can have owners in NML.
Note that NML now avoids the word "network" because it is unclear whether the operational grouping or administrative grouping is meant. The NML terminology is as follows:
Topology: A set of Network Elements and the links connecting them.
NetworkDomain: An unordered collection of Network Elements managed under the same shared policy umbrella.
So - the proposal so far is to call the edge of a network a port
In NMC this is called the demarcation point.
Freek: I believe you are confusing a perfSONAR product (e2emon) with documents that are being produced in the OGF NMC-WG. To my knowledge we have never used this term. Thanks; -jason