I support Radek’s approach on this one – in the absence of deterministic
setup times, let’s take a heuristic approach and rely on the operating experience
gained from systems such as AutoBAHN. As we gain more operating experience we
may be able to find a better solution for future NSI versions.
Radek Krzywania [mailto:radek.krzywania@man.poznan.pl]
Sent: 30 September 2010 16:52
To: 'Artur Barczyk'
Cc: nsi-wg@ogf.org
Subject: Re: [Nsi-wg] time issue
There is no, and will be no such mechanism to define static,
constant or even predictable connection activation time in distributed
environment. What we do is estimates. You have a VC at 2pm, ask for circuit
available at 1:40, as you were warned connection setup time may take up to 20
minutes. Then you have a guarantee. Please mind, v1 can’t solve everything.
Let’s just create something and improve it step by step.
Yes, in above case you extend reservation time, which means you
pay more (in theory, depending on pay model). But think in reverse direction –
how do you know how long do you need a connection? You usually guess and adds
something just in case. So you don’t use it in optimal way anyway. For v1 – I
would not care much. If we try to restrict it in details, we will stack in
discussion and complexity of the protocol and its mechanisms. I would rather
keep it simple in contrary.
Best regards
Network Research and Development
Poznan Supercomputing and
Networking Center
+48 61 850 25
From: Artur Barczyk
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:25 PM
To: radek.krzywania@man.poznan.pl
Cc: 'Jerry Sobieski'; 'Jeff W.Boote'; nsi-wg@ogf.org
Subject: Re: [Nsi-wg] time issue
Hi Radek, All,
hmmmm, I for my part would be quite annoyed (to put it mildly), if I miss the
15 minutes of todays HD conf call just because I reserved the resources a week
in advance. "Around" has no place in a well defined protocol. No
fuzzy logic, please :-)
Consider also the "bored child in a car" scenario:
RA: are we there yet? PA: no... RA: are we there yet? PA: nooo.... RA: are we
there yet? PA: NO! etc.
Be aware that users complaining are users quite quickly lost. You don't want
So let's consider two example users:
- high volume data transfers through a managed system: a data movement
scheduler has
reserved some bandwidth at a given time. This time comes, the
application will just
throw data on the network, it might use connection-less protocol, or
not, but it will
result in an error. It cannot wait "around" 15 minutes, as it
will bring the transfer schedule
in complete disorder. Such a "service" is just useless.
- video conferencing/streaming. You reserve the network resource for 3pm
because your
meeting starts then. How do you explain to the video conference
participant that the
network prevented the conference to start for "around" 15
minutes? (Well, you can, but
this will be the last time you'll see the user using your network :-) )
In short, the only reasonable thing to do is to put the right mechanism in
place to
guarantee the service is up when the user requested it (and you confirmed it).
The only acceptable reason for failing this is an error condition like network
down (and we'll
talk about protection in v2 :-) )
I also think it is very dangerous to use "providing a service" as
argument while the underlying
protocols are not yet correctly specified. This is not theoretical, the service
needs to be useful
to the end-user, if you want some uptake. Fuzzy statements make it useless. The
very reason people
are interested in this is that it's deterministic - you know what you get and
when. Otherwise use the
routed network. :-)
On 09/30/2010 03:37 PM, Radek Krzywania wrote:
It’s getting hard to solve everything here, so let’s don’t try
to solve everything here at once. So how about defining a start time as a best
effort for v1? So we promise to deliver the service, yet we are unable to
guarantee the exact start time in precision of seconds. If user want connection
to be available at 2pm, it will be around that time, but we can’t guarantee
when exactly (1:50, 2:01, 2:15). Let’s take a quite long time as a timeout
(e.g. 20 minutes), and start booking the circuit in 5 or 10 minutes in advance
(no discussion for v1, just best feeling guess) . The result will be that in
most cases we will deliver the service at AROUND specified time. For v1 is
enough, as we will be able to deliver a service, while in v2 we can discuss
possible upgrades (unless our engineering approach discovers it’s fine enough
:) ).
For #1 – it may a problem for instant reservations. Here user
want a circuit ASAP. We define ASAP as (see above approach) less than 20
minutes (typically 5-10 minutes probably, but that’s my guess), or not at all.
Users may or may not complain on that. In the first case we are good. For the
second case we will need to design an upgrade for v2.
Synchronization IMHO is important, and out of scope at the same
time. We can make an assumption that agents times are synchronized with precision
of let say 10 seconds, which should be far enough. The agents will use system
clocks, so they need to be synchronized at the end (NTP or whatever), but that
not even implementation but deployment issue. So let put into specification:
“NSI protocol requires time synchronization with precision not less than
10seconds”. If we discover it’s insufficient, let’s upgrade it for v2.
We already have some features to implement, just to see if it
works fine (works at all, actually). If user is booking a circuit a week in
advance, I guess he will not mind if we set it up 15 minutes after start time
(user IS aware of that as we specify this in the protocol description). We
can’t however deliver the service shorter than user defined time. So we can
agree (by voting, not discussing) the fixed time values. My proposal is as
minutes for reservation as set up time
availability time (e.g. 13 h)
tear down time (it’s not important from user perspective, as since any segment
of connection is removed, the service is not available any more, but let’s say
15 minutes)
In that way, calendar booking needs to have reserve resources
for 13h 35 minutes. IMHO we can agree on that by simply vote for v1 (doodle
maybe), and collect more detailed requirements for v2 later on. I get the
feeling we started quite theoretical discussion based on assumptions and
guessing “what if”, instead of focusing on delivering any service (event with
limited guarantee).
Best regards
Network Research and Development
Poznan Supercomputing and
Networking Center
+48 61 850 25
From: nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org [mailto:nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org] On
Behalf Of Jerry Sobieski
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 9:33 PM
To: Jeff W.Boote
Cc: nsi-wg@ogf.org
Subject: Re: [Nsi-wg] time issue
Ok. I can buy this approach of #1.
The Requested Start Time is immutable as the request goes down the tree
(which disallows #2) - it is still a Requested Start Time, but NSAs are not
allowed to change requested start time as the request goes down the
tree. But you can't prevent #3 if thats what an NSA somewhere down
the tree decides to do. The result would be a promise he may not be
able to keep - but thats acceptable because the Estimated Start Time is just an
estimate, its not binding.
The point is, the local NSA cannot tell whether a remote NSA is using #1 or #3
since its totally up to the remote NSA to select the guard time appropriate for
that request. Likewise, even if the remote NSA misses the Estimated
Start Time, the requesting RA has no recourse other than to a) just wait until
the provisioning completes or b) give up and release the connection.
An SLA might influence the bad NSA to not low ball his
provisioning guard time in the future, or it may provide a rebate for the
jilted user, but these are not a protocol or a standards issue.
This goes to John's comment on the call today about what happens inside the NSA
between the PA role and the RA role... These actions are captured in
"state routines" that are invoked when protocol events
occur. These actions are generalized in the standard, but any
heuristics like these approaches to guard time cannot always be
mandated. In a protocol standard, what ever components are
"required" or "must" items, must be verifiable in a
conformance test. I.e. if someone comes up with an NSI
imlementation, we should be able to put the reference implementation against
the test implementation and we should be able to tell via protocol operation if
the implementation under test is doing all the "must"
items. If we say an NSA must use #1 above, there is no way to test
it and confirm that it is doing so. If the test implementation uses
#3, the only outward sign is that it may miss the start time on some
connection(s), but it could have as easily just been a poor judgment call on
the provisioning time - which is ok.
So, in the standard, we can only recommend #1 be used. Or we can
say the NSA "should" use #1. But we cannot require it.
my $.02
Jeff W.Boote wrote:
On Sep 29, 2010, at 7:31 AM, Gigi
Karmous-Edwards wrote:
For your question : " While the guard times may be network specific, we do
need to at least consider what we would like an NSA to do if for instance a
provisioning guard time pushes a reservation forward into a previous
reservation: Do we 1) reject the request since we can't prepend
our guard time and still make the Requested Start Time? OR
2) Do we retard the Estimated Start Time to allow for the guard
time? OR 3) do we reduce the guard time to fit the available lead
In my opinion, I think the answer here has to be # 1) each NSA must
reject the request if their process to establish the connection requested can
not meet the Start time. In my opinion an NSA should NOT be allowed to change
the requested start time (this will cause all types of problems for other
NSAs), so # 2) is not an option. The guard time for each NSA will most likely
be vastly different and very dependent on the tools used by that network domain
to configure the network elements for the requested path, so an individual
guard time of an NSA is also nonnegotiable, so option # 3) is not an option.
I agree #1 seems the most deterministic.
I agree with Radek, ONLY Start times and End times should be used in the
protocol and that guard times are only private functions of each individual
I agree with this. The guard times are not
additive across each NSA. The guard time from the perspective of the user will
effectively be the maximum of each NSAa guard time in the chain. But, the user
doesn't care as long as provisioning is accomplished by the users requested
start time. That time would be in the protocol and would remain unchanged
through each step of the chain. And, it shouldn't matter how long it takes to
tear down the circuit either as long as the circuit is available until their
requested end time.
As to how to manage this time
synchronization... I think it is totally reasonable to depend upon existing
protocols. There are other protocols that already depend upon time
synchronization, and many of them use NTP. We are not talking about needing
very tight synchronization anyway. 1 second or even 10 seconds is plenty close
enough. It is more about bounding that error.
Kind regards,
On 9/29/10 8:45 AM, Jerry Sobieski wrote:
Hi Inder- I am not sure I agree
with all of this...
Inder Monga wrote:
I agree with your statements;
User is not interested in partial results, as he/she is not even aware/interested in which NSAs/domains are involved. User doesn’t care (if everything works fine ;) ).
The protocol should be designed with the user
in mind. The user does not care about guard time values, differences in setup
times for MPLS vs optical lambdas, and concern itself with choices an NSA/NRM
will make in path-finding.
The protocol
designers can keep the user in mind, but the protocol is between the RA and
the PA and and has a specific purpose: to reserve and instantiate a
connection across the globe. We need to keep in mind that the RA is not
always the end user - it is by definition another NSA and could be an NSA in
the tree/chain somewhere. If we want to differentiate between the user
and the network, then we can create a simplified User to Network API, and a
different Network to Network API...but I don't think thats what we want to do
(:-) We need to IMO *not* think about the user, but to think about the
Requesting Agent - regardless of who it represents.
Perhaps once the RA-PA protocol is tightly defined in all its nuances, we can
develop/recommend an end user API that simplifies the the application's
required interactions ?? This would allow an application to embed
an RA in a runtime library/module and the application itself would only have to
deal with the basic connection requirements.... just a thought.
In my opinion,
a. the user should specify "Expected
Start Time, Expected End Time". The NSAs/domains along the path determine
resource availability and booking in their schedules based on their own
configured guard time (guard times are not specified by NSI protocol. NSI
connection service architecture should discuss them as a suggested concept).
While the guard
times may be network specific, we do need to at least consider what we would
like an NSA to do if for instance a provisioning guard time pushes a
reservation forward into a previous reservation: Do we 1) reject
the request since we can't prepend our guard time and still make the Requested
Start Time? OR 2) Do we retard the Estimated Start Time
to allow for the guard time? OR 3) do we reduce the guard time to
fit the available lead time?
I think we now agree that the Start Time is just an estimate, due primarily to
the guard time itself being just an estimate. So none of these times are
etched in stone...So which option do we recommend or require? The
protocol is sensitive to these various times - they cause timers to go off,
messages to be sent, error handling to kick in... If they are
adjusted during scheduling or provisioning, we MUST understand what impact they
will have to the protocol and how that will be carried through the service
b. Within reasonable limits, the connection
should be up as close to the start time as possible. The user can set his own
policy/configuration on how long to wait after the start time to accept a
connection. Since the resources are guaranteed, this is a connection of
setup/provisioning only. Hence, there is no protocol state transition when
start time is passed other than the messages that indicate the circuit is
established end to end or teardown message initiated by the client.
Ah, but the rub
here is that the "user" is an RA...but not all RAs are the end
user. We are defining the actions of an RA, regardless of whether it is a
user NSA or an network NSA. So we must insure that if the RA gets tired
of waiting for provisioning to complete, that whatever actions it is allowed to
take will be consistent and predictable through out the service tree for all
the RA/PA interactions. So the "user" actions are
not irrelevant to the protocol.
c. We should not design a protocol that
depends on time synchronization to work. In my opinion, the start time,
expected time to provision aka guard time is best handled/shared as a
SLA/Service definition issue.
I agree: We
cannot expect perfectly/exactly synchronized clocks anywhere in the
network. And therefore we cannot depend upon clock synchronization for
any part of the protocol to work. Which implies that the protocol
must work when the clocks are NOT synchronized. How do we insure
this? --> rigorous protocol analysis.
While the values of certain timers may be left to the Service Definition/SLA,
as I state before, we must make sure that the protocol can function predictably
and consistently in the face of all possible timing permutations that are
possible among NSAs. This rapidly gets very complex if we allow too many
variables for the SD/SLA to define. Sometimes, its ok to identify
constants that the protocol must use so that we can validate the protocol and
simplify implementation and deployment. Indeed, often times when clocks are
only slightly skewed they introduce race conditions that become more likely to
occur requiring more careful consideration.
d. Similar semantics apply to the end-time as
much. Across the board, things like clock events, estimates, and
service specific choices will create situations where we need to insure
the protocol and state machines will function properly across the full range of
possible permuted values. This is in general why protocol designers
say "make it only as complex as it needs to be, and no more" -
options breed complexity.
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Dr Artur Barczyk
California Institute of Technology
c/o CERN, 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 7675801