Hello All, At today's meeting we have assigned document writing tasks to specific authors. Topics, Authors and deadlines are summarised here: Topic Author due CS coordinator fuctions Chin Guok 13th April Security Inder Monga 6th April Firewall discussion John MacAuley 13th April State machine Tomohiro Kudoh 13th April WSDL John MacAuley 13th April Discovery service John MacAuley 13th April Topology service Jeroen van der Ham 6th April Topology syntax (separate document from service) Jeroen van der Ham 6th April Topology usage Jeroen van der Ham 6th April NSI CS introduction and concepts Guy Roberts 6th April Any additional topics emerging are to be assigned next week. Guy _____________________________________________________________________ Guy Roberts PhD Senior Transport Network Architect DANTE Cambridge, UK +44 1223 371316 DANTE is the project co-ordinator and operator of GÉANT, the high-speed pan-European research and education network that is transforming the way researchers collaborate. Learn more at: www.geant.net<http://www.geant.net/> Like us on: www.facebook.com/GEANTnetwork<http://www.facebook.com/GEANTnetwork> Follow us at: www.twitter.com/GEANTnews<http://www.twitter.com/GEANTnews> DANTE is the trading name of Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Limited registered in England & Wales. Registration Number 2806796. Registered Office - 9400 Garsington Road, Oxford Business Park, Oxford OX4 2HN. _____________________________________________________________________