**** apologize if you receive multiple copies of this call for proposals
Dear Friends,
The attached link to call
for papers is a wonderful opportunity present at a workshop
co-located with IEEE international conference on eScience to be held on
9th October in Chicago, Illinois. The talks are accepted based received 1
- 2 page abstracts. The accepted talks will have an opportunity to
publish written papers in a special section of the scientific journal
Future Generation of Computer Systems (FGCS).
The link with the details on the workshop is at :
The workshop and the special section will focus on scientific
use-cases in which high-speed wide area networks , such as enabled
by NRENs around the world and by the GLIF community, are used in a
novel way. The workshop will cover and highlight
applications that use such networks to connect instruments and
facilities around the world in a novel manner. It will also explore
upcoming trends in the design and architectures of these advanced
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Distributed applications running on high-speed networks
- Network architectures for integrated e-Science research
- Advances in networking devices and protocols that support
management and control of distributed e-Science infrastructures
- Models for networks and infrastructure descriptions suitable for
inter-NRENs cooperation
Researchers are invited to submit extended abstracts describing a
scientific use case of the advanced use of distributed resources
connected by high speed (national or international) networks. Extended
abstracts of 600 to 1200 words (one to two A4 pages) must be submitted
in English, the official language of the conference. These should be
accompanied (attached to the extended abstract above the two pages) by a
short professional biography of the author(s) and the full names and
contact details of the author(s) as outlined below. Keywords will assist
the program committee in planning the final program of the conference.
Important Dates:
Workshop abstract submission: 25 June
Workshop acceptance notification: 11
July 2012
Final extended abstract: 10 September
Workshop: 9 October 2012
For the special section in FGCS:
Full paper submission: 15 October 2012
Please send your abstracts to creihsn-submission@list.surfnet.nl
Look forward to your participation and abstract!