Hi John,
Thanks for writing this down -- a few comments.
You mix the NMwg with the NML terminology -- the NML terminology has improved much since the NMwg documents, and will deprecate the NMwg schema.
Here is a comparison table between NML and NSI, as far as we see.
End Device --- Node
Edgepoint --- Port
Network --- Topology (*1)
Link --- Link
Segment --- (under discussion)
Service Group --- n/a
Level --- Layer
(*1) If I understand your "network" correctly; the term network has different meanings.
Segment is still under discussion. We've used the term "Channel" a few times, but there is no group consensus. Segment refers to a multi layer concept, which will be defines in a separate schema.
NML hasn't defined Service Group. It seems an important concept, so perhaps we should.
Have you seen the terminology comparison table at
Freek Dijkstra
Jeroen van der Ham