Hi John,

Thanks for writing this down -- a few comments.

You mix the NMwg with the NML terminology -- the NML terminology has improved much since the NMwg documents, and will deprecate the NMwg schema.

Here is a comparison table between NML and NSI, as far as we see.
NSI                NML
End Device    ---  Node
Edgepoint     ---  Port
Network       ---  Topology  (*1)
Link          ---  Link
Segment       ---  (under discussion)
Service Group ---  n/a
Level         ---  Layer

(*1) If I understand your "network" correctly; the term network has different meanings.

Segment is still under discussion. We've used the term "Channel" a few times, but there is no group consensus. Segment refers to a multi layer concept, which will be defines in a separate schema.

NML hasn't defined Service Group. It seems an important concept, so perhaps we should.

Have you seen the terminology comparison table at

Freek Dijkstra
Jeroen van der Ham

John Vollbrecht
Senior Network Engineer, Internet2
office 734 352 4960 cell 734 395 7890