Peoples, I have decided to cancel this Wednesday's NSI implementation call. I do not believe the call would be productive and we should all be preparing for the face-to-face in Atlanta in less than two weeks. We have had some good discussions since the meetings in Oxford, but I am not completely happy with the overall progress. To quote Scrum terminology: we have very few pigs and a whole lot of chickens. We need more pigs. I know we are a very opinionated group with a lot of good feedback; however, we need to make progress on key issues before production implementations can be deployed. For this reason we need people with ideas and constructive feedback on the key topics to get it down in contributions with clearly defined solutions that meet the requirements and fit into the NSI Service Framework. We do not want contributions that redefine the existing NSI architecture and throw out 5 years worth of requirements, so please keep it focused and on track. Here are the items that need to be addressed in the Atlanta meetings. It is long and I know we do not have a lot of time. I will discuss with Guy to determine in which time slots the topics are best discussed. · NSI identifier format (STP, et al.) · NSA Discovery Document (John to present overview and next steps) · NSI Discovery Service (John to present overview of his solution, ?) · NSI Topology Service (if distinct from Discovery Service) · Verification of topology information (Chin) · User security (Hans to present SURFnet solution) · Ethernet extensions (John and Freek) · NML Adaptation (John and Freek) · NSI-EXT document (John) Are there additional topics to discuss? If you are planning on contributing a presentation or formal document please let me know so we can allocate you a time slot. This is your chance to shed those feathers and be a resplendent pig. John