Hi Jeroen On Mon, 28 Jan 2013, Jeroen van der Ham wrote:
I just did some syntax fixing on that file, and some further format fixing on the file, I've updated it at the same location.
It still does not validate 100% to the NML XML schema, but I have to check with the schema guys whether that is a schema or a syntax problem ;)
A couple of comments on the last two commits (this is more of an NML thing though and may not be your exact table). The nml:Relation seems like poor XML design instead of using a direct representation. The hasPort should be used to mark that a Node has a BidirectionalPort (I'll try and update the file tomorrow, going home ASAP). The hasPort should probably also be used in .owl and .n3 files, as there is no hasBidirectional relation in the spec (unless I have an old one). Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net> Software Developer, NORDUnet