Hello All,


Please find below draft agenda for Monday.  Please let me know if you would like me to add your presentation to the agenda to present.  As usual presentations must be submitted to the NSI mailing list in advance of the meeting.


Also, I would like to remind everyone that you will need to register if you would like to attend this meeting as we have limited space in our allocated room.


You can find copies of the draft documents to be discussed here:  https://redmine.ogf.org/dmsf/nsi-wg?folder_id=6526


Meeting presentations are shared here: https://redmine.ogf.org/dmsf/nsi-wg?folder_id=6596



Agenda for NSI meeting


9:00 start


Session 1:

•             Guy to introduce the session and review NSI document roadmap. 20 minutes

•             John to present on NSA description document.  20 minutes

•             Hans to present on NSI AA.  20 minutes


Coffee break 10:30 to 11:00


Session 2:

•             Chin to present generic requirements of path-finding. 15 minutes

•             Present provider’s policy requirements: Henrik, Hans, Chin, Guy  10 minutes each

•             NSI working group to extract full set of policy requirement.  60 minutes


Lunch 12:30 to 13:30


Session 3:

•             Present each of the 3 proposals topology distribution proposals.  20 minutes each

•             NSI working group to review how well the proposals fulfil each of the requirements.  30 minutes


Coffee break 15:00 to 15:30


Session 4:

•             Agree way forward on path-finding/topology/policy. 30 minutes

•             Freek to present an update on NSI Topology 20 minutes

•             Review status

•             Agree next actions.


17:30 finish




Guy Roberts PhD

Senior Transport Network Architect


Cambridge, UK

+44 1223 371316


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