Hi I've read through the first two sections and have done a number of changes. Mostly nitpicking, but there are also some questions about some sentences which does not make sense to me. I've enabled tracking in the document, and attached, so it can be reviewed. I plan to read the entire document, but it sending all the changes in one go, is probably not the best idea. Hope this approach is okay (since I've only written a small section in the document). /Henrik _____ From: Guy Roberts [mailto:Guy.Roberts@dante.net] To: nsi-wg@ogf.org [mailto:nsi-wg@ogf.org] Sent: Tue, 28 May 2013 12:19:01 +0100 Subject: [Nsi-wg] First NSI Connection Service v2.0 protocol review tomorrow Hi all, I would like to thank John MacAuley for his mammoth efforts over the past few days (and weeks) in documenting the detail of the NSI Connection Service schema. This has now been merged with the latest version of the Connection Service protocol document and is available to download here: https://redmine.ogf.org/dmsf/nsi-wg?folder_id=6526 I would like to use tomorrow’s call to do a first high-level review of the document to see what editing efforts we need in preparation for Maastricht. In preparation for this week’s call, could everyone please take a look at the document and check that the parts you have contributed are correctly incorporated? The following is dial-in information for Wednesday's NSI call. Time: 7:00 PDT 10:00 EDT, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 23:00 JST 1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada) 2. International participants dial: Toll Number: 303-248-0285 Or International Toll-Free Number: http://www.readytalk.com/intl 3. Enter 7-digit access code 8937606, followed by "#" Guy _____________________________________________________________________ Guy Roberts PhD Senior Transport Network Architect DANTE Cambridge, UK +44 1223 371316 DANTE is the project co-ordinator and operator of GÉANT, the high-speed pan-European research and education network that is transforming the way researchers collaborate. Learn more at: www.geant.net Like us on: www.facebook.com/GEANTnetwork Follow us at: www.twitter.com/GEANTnews DANTE is the trading name of Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Limited registered in England & Wales. Registration Number 2806796. Registered Office – 9400 Garsington Road, Oxford Business Park, Oxford OX4 2HN. _____________________________________________________________________