Dear All, Since the Barcelona meeting at OGF where the concept of NSI was formalized and the name chosen, it has been a long and fruitful journey producing concepts and abstractions, encapsulating them in a protocol that we believe will stand the test of time. As NSI 2.0 reaches fruition (Public comments end April 2014), I am stepping down as the NSI co-chair. The reason is my work commitments are dwarfing the amount of time I have available to continue being an effective NSI co-chair. In the past few years, I really appreciate the teamwork of my co-chairs - Guy and Kudoh-san, who have worked tirelessly and in an unbiased manner with me to promote the protocol, gather community requirements, and smooth ruffled ego's - so common in a standards process - towards a productive, collaborative development of a protocol driven by real requirements. In addition, I appreciate all the members of the NSI community that have attended calls every week and contributed so much of their technical knowledge and understanding. These interactions are priceless and I will be stepping down with great memories. Thanks for all your support!!! I will continue to be involved with the NSI community - so this is not a farewell, but will only take a less active role in driving its evolution. The interaction and welcome that GENI gave to the NSI group today is heart-warming, and I believe we have a lot to learn from each other. Guy will follow-up in email with the nomination process for a replacement co-chair. Live long and prosper, Inder Inder Monga | imonga@es.net Chief Technologist and Area Lead | http://www.es.net/inder Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) <http://www.es.net>