So did I only need to create a single schedule? I set it up to run until Monday Oct 31@ 500 Mb/s.  Also, I noticed that Fenius is still plugging away making connection reservations on NetherLight.  You might want to be careful with conflicts on other GOLE sites.


On 2011-10-24, at 5:22 PM, Jerry Sobieski wrote:

Hi all-

the demos are struggling...  So here is the plan of attack:

GEANT, Pionier, AIST are all working with the new WSDL and have hardware control.   We are close with OpenNSA/Argia interface for StarLight, and OpenDRAC at Netherlight is using HTTPS which while conformant to the spec seems to be problematic.   So, we will continue to address these issues, but we need to pare down the demo field to get the *NSI* demo to work.

1. We need to statically configure vlan 1780 thru NetherLight (from PSNC port to StarLight/IRNC port) (John MacCauley and/or Gerben?)  
2. We need to statically configure vlan 1780 thru StarLight (from Netherlight/irnc port13 to the JGNX port24) (Scott Campbell and Henrik Thostrup Jensen)
This will provide a direct link from Pionier to AIST over VLAN 1780.

3. We will use AutoBAHN Pionier as the aggregator for a Reservation:  geant.ets:ps-80 -> aist.ets:ps-80.   The connectionID and/or Global ID will be registered with the Query Agent.   (Michal B. and Jeroen vdH)

4. The QA will query AB pionier for the path info, and pass the location info to a) the Automated Earth and b) the AIST display agent.  ( Jeroen van der Ham and Takatoshi Ikeda (AE) and Tomohiro Kudoh? (AIST) )

5.  Everyone, Pionier, GEANT, and AIST especially, please post your perfSonar server IP addresses so that I can add them to the diagram.   And make sure your perfSonar servers have the subinterfaces for the 1780-83 VLANs configured with the corresponding IP subnet and host address.

And its off to the races... Remember all - we are demonstrating NSI so its ok to pare things back a bit.   THis is complex stuff, we'll continue to get things running, but for now we want to have a successful demo showing circuits being set up across the world, across domains. 
