I would also like to add that it was great seeing everyone who came to Rio. I have been collecting a list of issues, including where we need additional clarification in the documentation. If people have noted some key problems that were not communicated via Skye or e-amil this week, please send them to me and I will add them to my list. Here is hoping for a smooth road to SuperComputing! John. On 2011-09-14, at 3:09 AM, Jerry Sobieski wrote:
Hi all-
The First NSI Connection Service protocol public demonstration ov version 1.0 was a resounding success!
Thanks tp you all for your patience and perseverance in driving so hard in such a short time. I received compliments from many folks that were impressed by the quality of the team that was present and sorting through the issues as well as very positive impressions by folks who now understand the NSI concept much better.
Its real, finally! Thank you all again.