
As chair, I encourage wide, inclusive discussions and outreach on NSI protocol to the end-user community. I am not sure about the attendance of NSI working group members at I2 member meeting to call it an official interim NSI working group session yet - is that what you had in mind?

If you do lead a outreach discussion on NSI with the Internet2 member community, please do plan to capture the summary of the discussions and share with the mailing list.

Thanks for your efforts,

Jerry Sobieski
June 23, 2011 4:13 AM

Hi all-

I think we should request and NSI session for Internet2. There will
probably be a GLIF session also... I am of a mind to keep these
separate as there are a lot of GLIF issues that are not NSI issues per se.

I'd like us to present an NSI update which will include the CS spec and
the NSI demo at Rio. And perhaps some progress on NSI Topology and
futures roadmap coming out of Rio.

The more we can promote this as an open inclusive process, the more
uptake we'll get. Hopefully this will encourage others to get involved
and possibly encourage more field trials by US regionals and campuses.

Thoughts? Deadline is 24th (tomorrow). If we generally think it is a
good idea, I will submit a session request.

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