Problem ======= Given a Port identifier, a NSA wants to figure out in which Topology this Port is located, and what the NSA is for this Port identifier. Use cases ========= * ... * NORDUnet: split network in two parts with other Topology ID * SURFnet: move a Port from testbed to production network * ... Assumptions =========== The following proposals all make the following assumption: * Port and Topology identifiers MUST use urn:ogf:network identifiers. Proposal 1 (Henrik) =================== string rewrite lookup in full table Port ID ------------------> Topology ID ------------------> NSA URL (extract prefix and (build by distribute add the word 'Topology') reachability between peers) Limitation of proposal 1: * Port can't be placed in another Topology later * Max 1 Topology ID per prefix (though it's possible to work around by further interpretation of the URN) * All NSA need database with all Topology IDs * Adds limitations on the syntax of URN:ogf:network identifiers (organisations can't freely pick their Topology ID) Proposal 2 (Freek) ================== extract lookup service Port ID ------------------> prefix ---------------------> NSA URL \ \--------------------> Topology ID (lookup by prefix in global lookup service) Limitation of proposal 2: * Port can't be placed in another Topology later * max 1 NSA per prefix (though 1 organisation can have multiple prefixes) * max 1 Topology per prefix (though 1 organisation can have multiple prefixes) Proposal 3 (Freek) ================== extract lookup service lookup service Port ID ----------------> prefix --------------------> Lookup Service -------------------> NSA URL (lookup by prefix in \ global lookup service) \------------------> Topology ID (lookup by Port ID in home lookup service) Note: this can be combined in 1 step if the global lookup service extracts the Port ID itself, and redirects to the home lookup service. Limitation of proposal 3: * Requires one lookup per Port ID, rather than one per prefix or per Topology. Advantage of proposal 3: * Easier to later extend for different (non urn:ogf:network) identifier, since only the global lookup service (gLS) needs to be updated, not all NSA.