Open Issues and plan for spec completion

Deliverable for March 30th
2. Completed WSDL(s) for NSI-WG

3. Open Issues before spec complete
  1. Message Primitives
    1. Agreed upon behavior for Request, Provision, Release
    2. Finalize
      1. Cancel Confirm?
      2. Query  (Management message)
      3. Notify (for Asynchronous PA -> RA notification)
      4. Modify (not in this spec, to be discussed after this version of spec is done?)
  2. STP definition and architecture - 
    1. Should we do STP later?
    2. For demo specification
      1. Requestor will specify complete end-point
      2. The aggregator will know what to do
  3. Service Definition
    1. Basic List of attributes
* Is Service Definition a template or not?
* Do we support optional network specific features?

Inder Monga