On 06-07-2012 01:02, John MacAuley wrote:
So if we were to go with:
<nsi:STP id="urn:uuid:66314cd0-c5f2-11e1-9b21-0800200c9a66"> <nsi:network idRef="urn:ogf:network:nordunet.net:2011:org"/> </nsi:STP>
Would I add the VLAN ID as per Jeroen's proposal:
<nsi:STP id="urn:uuid:66314cd0-c5f2-11e1-9b21-0800200c9a66?vlan=1791"> <nsi:network idRef="urn:ogf:network:nordunet.net:2011:org"/> </nsi:STP>
For the record, I do not propose this specific syntax for NSI. I was mostly making a point that it is very well possible to create a globally unique identifier without including the name of a network _in the URN_. If we agree on the principle idea of providing both network and STP name in a request, I am happy to give a practical example (which will include the "?vlan=1791" Port selector). I hadn't done that yet, because that will open some new questions on how to deal with unidirectional or bidirectional ports, as well as dealing with multipoint-to-multipoint connections. Freek