Hi All,


As we are now entering a more mature phase of the NSI protocol standardization, I would like to introduce some more formalized processes into the group.


First, I would like the group to agree on a roadmap for new features to be introduced in versions v1.0, v1.0 and v2.0, I will summarise the current thinking  and send out for discussion on Wednesday’s call. 


Second, based on our discussions at Lyon I have identified the need for an issue tracking system.    I have created a code.google project for NSI which has a good issue tracker:



The issues identified in Rio, and the subsequent discussions have now been moved here from our Google spread-sheet.  Once the group has agreed to make a change, this will be documented in the tracker and the issue will be accepted and assigned to someone to prepare a solution to submit to the group for approval.


If you would like to submit new issues, or add comments to issues, you will need to send me your gmail address and I can add you to the project.








      **       Guy Roberts, PhD     Network Engineering & Planning

    *    *                          Tel:    +44 (0)1223 371300

   *      *    City House           Direct: +44 (0)1223 371316

   *           126-130 Hills Road   Fax:    +44 (0)1223 371371

  *            Cambridge

  *            CB2 1PQ              E-mail: guy.roberts@dante.net

  D A N T E    United Kingdom       WWW:    http://www.dante.net
