Hi Jerry, all,
id-PO = (ingress > egress); /* expand PO = (nextDomain/ingress > nextDomain/exit > anotherDomain/exit > endDomain/egress) */ if(method==tree) then id-PO = InterdomainExpansion(ingress > egress); PO[i] = ConnectRequest( NSA(ingressSTP), id-PO );
If the local NSA elects to expand the remote PO, we get a tree model PO. If the local NSA does not expand the PO we have a chain model PO. Its up to the local NSA to decide which approach to use.
Elegant way to fix it :). However, this means the process should be iterated up to the moment that the last expansion only provides local NSA as a result. Shouldn't it be faster to have the inter-domain path finding done at the very beginning, avoiding iteration? It seems to me that hierarchical (tree) deployments using this algorithm would follow a chain-like path finding model, loosing the advantage of being the whole-inter-domain-topology-knowing hierarchy parent. Anyway, I highly appreciate (and learn from!) the discussion we're having here but aren't we rowing far from the definition of the interface itself? Regards, -- Joan A. García-Espín CTX, i2CAT Foundation El 25/02/2010, a las 7:32, Jerry Sobieski escribió:
Hi Tomohiro - This is a very astute observation. Two changes/clarifications need to be made to enable the tree/chain model option:
1.) In order to do tree processing, we need to expand the PO to include the interdomain connector points. The local NSA can invoke an interdomain PathFinder to expand the Path Object. This statement: PO[i] = ConnectRequest( NSA(ingressSTP), ingress > egress);
would change to read something like:
id-PO = (ingress > egress); /* expand PO = (nextDomain/ingress > nextDomain/exit > anotherDomain/ exit > endDomain/egress) */ if(method==tree) then id-PO = InterdomainExpansion(ingress > egress); PO[i] = ConnectRequest( NSA(ingressSTP), id-PO );
If the local NSA elects to expand the remote PO, we get a tree model PO. If the local NSA does not expand the PO we have a chain model PO. Its up to the local NSA to decide which approach to use.
2.) The only other mod we need is to process each interation of the outer "do{}" block asynchronously - i.e. in parallel. If we are running tree mode, each sub-request is made in parallel; if we are running in chain mode, we do the local reservation and then send teh remaining request downstream. Selecting the correct method will be based on available topo information, complexity of the topology, and utilization rate (resource availability) of the transport plane - a study in best practice.
There are some nuances associated with this defined process that I won't elaborate on here, but I believe this pseudo code is [now] basically correct, though there are a few things I would do to clean it up if we were writing real code.
I hope this addressed your issue. Jerry
Tomohiro Kudoh wrote:
Hi Jerry,
I basically agree with your pseudo code. But this else clouse seems to be based on the chain model and not applicable for the tree model.
else { /* ingressSTP is remote, so forward the sub-request to/towards the ingressNSA */ PO[i] = ConnectRequest( NSA(ingressSTP), ingress > egress); }
On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 18:20:28 -0500 Jerry Sobieski <jerry@nordu.net> wrote:
A couple things we should also put on a discussion agenda: - NSA Connection request handling - Connection decomposition and manipulation semantics.
I think understanding these in a clearer detail will aid our discussion on our topology needs.
So here is a long but hopefully useful proposal for NSA request handling. Please try to wade thru the pseudo code below. I think this will frame much of our disussions on both topology and pathfinding.
Upon receiving a Connection Request... - The local NSA examines the request and decomposes the request into a set of /n/ sub-requests defined by explicit hops in the originating PO. Each sub-request has only an ingress and egress STP. For example: PO={A>B>C>D} decomposes to (A>B, (B>C), (C>D) . - For each sub-request, do { If ( ingressSTP is local ) then { If (egressSTP is local ) then { /* subrequest is completely local */ PO[i]= reservePath (localRM, ingress > egress) /* local PathFinding */ } else { /* ingress is local, egress point is remote, */
/* Here we split the sub-request into a local segment and a remote segment */ find local exitSTP towards remote egressSTP; /* this is PF */ find neighbor entranceSTP == local exitSTP; /* a "Point" would work nice here */ decompose request into LocalSeg:=(ingress>exit) and RemoteSeg:=(entrance>egress);
/* process local segment */ POlocal = reservePath (localRM, ingress > exit) /* local PathFinding */ if (POlocal != True) /* a local path was not found to the selected exit point */ then { either try another exit point, or error; }
/* process remote segment */ POremote = ConnectRequest( NSA(entrance), entrance > egress); /* send to neighborNSA */ if ( POremote != True ) then error; /* the remote path failed */ PO[i] = POlocal : POremote; /* concatenate local and remote POs */ } } else { /* ingressSTP is remote, so forward the sub-request to/towards the ingressNSA */ PO[i] = ConnectRequest( NSA(ingressSTP), ingress > egress); } } } /* end DO */ - If any PO[] is null/error, then release all good POs, and return error response to user. /* no complete end-to-end path */ - Finally, concatenate all the returned result POs = PO[0]:PO[1]: ... :PO{n]; and return the result to the requester.
Note: the above handling only applies path decomposition semantics to the requester's Path Object and distributes the resulting sub- requests to/towards NSAs of the ingressSTPs in each sub-request. Except as noted below, there was really no PathFinding involved.
The one trick in the pseudo code above is where a sub-request is split between the local domain (ingressSTP) and a remote domain (egressSTP). In this case, we want to decompose this segment further into a purely local sub-request (which the local RM can handle), and a purely remote sub-request (which we'll send to that NSA). These two segments must share an edge point between the local domain and the next adjacent domain. To do this, the local NSA must find an "exitSTP" leading to the remote STP, and insert it into the PO as an explicit intermediate hop. Then the sub-request gets decomposed into a wholly local sub- request, and a wholly remote sub-request.
The only topology information required to do this local/remote decomposition is to know a) which exit point to use, and b) what the equivalent [entrance] STP is called in the adjacent domain. The latter is easy - its exchanged as part of bringing up each inter-domain connection and is stored in the local topology DB or peering table. But the former, choosing an exit point, is more involved: we could either do an exhaustive PathFinder search of the global topology (very expensive), or we could accumulate reachability information at each edge node incrementally as additional topology information is learned (i.e. as new STPs and Domains come online.) the reachability info can then be used to prune the PF search tree vastly improving its effectiveness.
...how Reachability info gets distributed/learned is not important right now, but reachability is one important means of pruning the search tree in path computations. We could punt and just say "PathFinding [magicaly] chooses an exit point" and leave it to the PathFindng working group to decide the details....
Nevertheless, for NSI, the local NSA must be able to a) map an STP to its native domain and thus find and/or establish trust with its NSA, or b) map an STP to a directly connected intermediary NSA who offers to act on its behalf. The former method may still not provide enough topology info to build a comlete and valid topology graph unless the topology offered by the owner NSA is related somehow to topology already known to be contiguous to local domain. (I.e. a directory look up may assign ownership, but doesn't necessarilly provide topology information relevant to the question at hand...how do I get there?)
So: How does a local NSA find out which NSA "owns" an STP? I assert this "ownership" information is really just "reachability" information. All the local NSA really needs to now is what is the relationship is between an STP and an NSA -> in their own local topologyDB <-. To put it another way: the local NSA has some view of the world as represented in its local topology DB (hopefully this is summarized somehow, but in any case, the local topologyDB represents all that the localNSA knows about the world. ) It may be the case that the localNSA learned [somehow] that a domain "Far-Away" is connected to a domain "NeighborA" which is connected to local Domain. And thru the same mechanism learned of a set of STPs that exist in Far-Away. So localNSA has a trust relation with NeighborA, but may/maynot have such with Far-Away's NSA. It doesn't really matter. When localNSA learns of Far-Away, localNSA could try to establish trust. If FarAway accepts it, then local NSA could pose a tree decomposition across NeighborA and then across Far-Away. If FarAway does not trust localNSA (or vice versa) we can still decompose a chain request to NeighborA who evidently *does* have a trust relationship with FarAway, and let them work things out.
A lot of making the tree and chain model workable relies on topology distribution protocol... Short of describing that protocol, we can identify requirements, and assert that they exist, and based on that, the NSI NSA can function thuswise...
Thinks for reading so much technical details...
Guy Roberts wrote:
I like what you have done here -- the point is to first state clearly what the NSI 'Connection Service' needs to do, and then to derive the topology requirements from these service functions.
Will you be able to make tomorrow's call? I would like to make this make this a topic for discussion.
*From:* Jerry Sobieski [mailto:jerry@nordu.net] *Sent:* 23 February 2010 04:46 *To:* Guy Roberts *Cc:* Freek Dijkstra; NSI WG *Subject:* Re: [Nsi-wg] NML topology
Good idea Guy...I have a couple of posts...here is the first:.
I suggest we focus on which NSI service request parameters or semantics have topological significance and what those are. For instance:
*1. NSI: A Connection request must, at a minimum, specify the ingress point and the egress point. The Connection request may also specify intermediate transit points for the connection. The semantics of loose hop request is PO={A,B,C}, is equivalent to Connection A>B concatenated with Connection B>C. *
Topo Requirement: Each of these "point" identifiers must uniquely determine and map to a location in the transport topology. What is the NSI definition of a "point"used in this context? It seems to correspond to our STP discussion...so we need to decide what a point in the Path Object really refers to topologically.
*2. NSI: A Provider NSA is responsible for decomposing the Connection request (into piecewise segments defined by the PO) and forwarding sub-requests to other service agents as it deems appropriate or necessary, and insuring the returned sub-segments can be assembled into a single fully satisfied Connection and returning that Connection result to the Requesting NSA. *
Requirement: Define how the NSA handles Connection requests. a) The NSA decomposes the request into a set of sub-segments as defined by the PO. b) The NSA must forward each sub-request to/towards the NSA that owns the ingress STP of the sub-request, /[Here is where topology comes into play - how do we know where to send a request? Must map STP to NSA owner or have reachability in the topology..] / c) If an NSA receives a request whose ingress STP is in the local Domain, the NSA invokes the PathFinder to reserve a Path towards the next STP [/NSA must be able to recognize STPs in its local domain/] d) Upon successful reservation, the returned POs of the sub-requests are merged into a single PO and returned to the originating Requester.
*3. NSI: Upon successfull reservation, a Path Object is returned to the user describing the resulting Path. This PO will contain the STPs stipulated by the originating request, and will contain either a) STPs of the as-built Connection, or b) named Path Object(s) for opaque as-built information.*
Requirement: Path Object definition. Including opaque Named POs that are only revealed to authorized requesters. A PO must contain STPs, but must also include a Named PO - which must carry some authorization policy. How do these Named POs get resolved? what do they look like, how are names constructed, etc.
The above notion that we forward requests from one NSA to another based upon some ownership means we must define that ownership concept. Therein lies the notions of grouping resources into Networks, and a single NSA King for each Network kingdom :-) If STPs are part of that group, what are they and how do we summarize such info?
However, we do not have a trust relationship with all NSAs - its scaling problem. We must assume that we will connect directly with some neighbor Networks, and have a trusted relationship with them. But we will not (cannot) directly connect to every network, and therefore some such "far-away" networks will not recognize and trust our local NSA. For these latter cases, the only way we will know of that far-away domain is if one of our direct neighbors offers to act as transit to to Far-Away domain by announcing all or some of Far-Away's topology. In this case, we see far-away, but we must rely on our neighbor to forward any requests to Far-Away. If our NSA encounters an STP that lives in Far-Away, and our peering table has no trust with Far-Away, then we must send our request to our neighbor who acts as intermediary. (In point of fact, our neighbor acts no differently than it would for any other request - it sees the Far- Away STP and forwards the request likewise.)
This may generate another topology requirement- that of reachability. I.e. how do we describe the set of points (STPs) reachable within (or through) a given domain? We have to recognize that our reachable end systems or STPs will almost immediately be counted in the thousands. We probably need some sort of hierarchichal naming scheme.
thoughts? Jerry
Guy Roberts wrote:
I suggest the following 10 requirements as a starter:
Requirement 1: The model should be able to describe a grouping of network resources that are owned and controlled by a single provider or NSA. (I will call this a NETWORK for the moment)
Requirement 2: The model should be able to describe a grouping of NETWORKs. (e.g. a federation of providers with shared policy)
Requirement 3: The model should be able to describe resources (ports/points) in a NETWORK that are available for connecting to other NETWORKs. (I will call this a network connection point NCP for the moment)
Requirement 4: These NPs should be able to be performed at the end of a link that is internal to the domain as well as to ports on a device. (in my opinion the NCP on a link requirement needs a use-case)
Requirement 5: The model should be able to describe an arbitrary number of layers of logical ports within a NCP.
Requirement 6: The model should be able to describe connectivity between NETWORKs. (I will call this inter network connection (INCs) for the moment)
Requirement 7: The model should be able to describe groups of INCs.
Requirement 8: The resources that make up INCs should have ownership by a clearly identifiable provider. (i.e. resources without NSA ownership are not allowed). (note: Does this also include the patch cord between providers?)
Requirement 9: The model should allow policy to be assigned to INCs, even where the INC is wholly or partly made up of passive resources.
Requirement 10: The model should be able to fully describe a circuit (i.e. NSI service) that transits the topology.
Any thoughts on these and other requirements would be helpful.
-----Original Message-----
From: Freek Dijkstra [mailto:Freek.Dijkstra@sara.nl]
Sent: 22 February 2010 13:52
Cc: Guy Roberts; Jeroen van der Ham; John Vollbrecht
Subject: Re: [Nsi-wg] NML topology
Can I summarize this discussion as follows?
Requirement: It should be possible to assign a policy to an
(interdomain) link.
Of course, I can think of a solution (e.g. make that link part of a
topology, like John's second picture, assign the topology to a
networkdomain, and assign a policy to that networkdomain). However, this
seems out of scope. I think the best way forward is to describe this and
other requirements and forward them to the NML and ask the NML folks to
come up with a solution for the requirement. I also wholeheartedly
invite all NSI group members to become a "NML folk" too by joining the
NML list!
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