Greetings; In preparation for SC11 (http://sc11.supercomputing.org/) this year, we would like to gauge expected use of the Internet2 ION Service for demonstrations during the conference. As in years past, we are working to be sure that every institution wishing to use the service has an equal chance to do so. We will be working with users and engineers this year to develop a "schedule" that will allow: - Equal use of the bandwidth on the network between the conference center and end sites - Scheduled times for testing before the show starts, and demonstrations during exhibit hours. - A way to contact someone at Internet2, and SCinet, to help steer any technical problems to the right locations If you end site is planning on using Internet2 ION, please contact Jason Zurawski (zurawski@internet2.edu), and provide: - Contact information for demo participants - Expected use of ION, e.g. how much bandwidth will be consumed and where will the demo originate/terminate - How often you would like to run your demo during exhibit hours Please feel free to pass along this note to colleagues who may not be subscribed to these mailing lists. Thanks; -jason