Here is the Inclusion/exclusion text as it currently stands in the document. The issue I will be discussion with Chin this afternoon is the use of the logical "<and>" element. Neither of us are comfortable with it as currently specified. Once we work this issue out I am done all the CS 2.1 edits. ClusionType The ClutionType type definition is used to model pathfinding inclusions/exclusions in a point-to-point service request. The possible types and values specified in an inclusion or exclusion is defined in the service specific Service Definition. Inclusions provide pathfinders with a specific set of resources to use in path computation. Different from an ERO in that an ERO provides a specific path through the network, while inclusions specifies the starting set of resources to be used in pathfinding (not all of the resources need be used). Exclusions provide a mechanism allowing an RA to specify a set of resources that must be excluded when computing a path. If an inclusion(s) is present it is used to build the initial routing graph, otherwise when absent the complete set of resources are used. If exclusion(s) is present then the specified exclusion(s) are pruned from the graph. Any ERO is applied during path finding using the resulting graph. Figure 142 – ClusionType. Parameters The ClusionType has the following parameters (M = Mandatory, O = Optional): Parameter M/O Description type M Order attribute is provided only when the STP is part of an orderedSTPList. lt O The Service Termination Point (STP). lte O Less than equal to conditional element. gt O Greater than conditional element. gte O Greater than equal to conditional eement. eq O Equal conditional element. and O Allows an additional conditional sequence to be included as a logical “AND”. Table 108 - ClusionType parameters. The following examples show use of the inclusion and exclusion mechanism within the p2ps element. In Figure 143 the p2ps reservation request uses the “stpId” inclusion element to include four networks in pathfinding, while using the exclusion element to exclude a range of stpId within the ESnet network. <p2p:p2ps> <capacity>10000</capacity> <directionality>Bidirectional</directionality> <symmetricPath>true</symmetricPath> <sourceSTP>urn:ogf:network:kddilabs.jp:2013:topology:bi-ps?vlan=1780-1782</sourceSTP> <destSTP>urn:ogf:network:uvalight.net:2013:topology:ps?vlan=1780-1782</destSTP> <inclusion type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nsi/2013/12/services/point2point#stpId"> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:es.net:2013:</eq> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:icair.org:2013:topology</eq> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:manlan.internet2.edu:2013:</eq> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:netherlight.net:2013:production7</eq> </inclusion> <exclusion type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nsi/2013/12/services/point2point#stpId"> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:es.net:2013::amst-cr5:3_1_1:+?vlan=1001-1009</eq> </exclusion> </p2p:p2ps> Figure 143 – Inclusion/exclusion example #1. In Figure 144 the p2ps reservation request uses the “stpId” exclusion element to remove ESnet resources from pathfinding, removes all SDP with a capacity less that 10,000 mb/s, and excludes a specific set of resources with the listed SLRG values. <p2p:p2ps> <capacity>10000</capacity> <directionality>Bidirectional</directionality> <symmetricPath>true</symmetricPath> <sourceSTP>urn:ogf:network:kddilabs.jp:2013:topology:bi-ps?vlan=1780-1782</sourceSTP> <destSTP>urn:ogf:network:uvalight.net:2013:topology:ps?vlan=1780-1782</destSTP> <exclusion type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nsi/2013/12/services/point2point#stpId"> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:es.net:2013:</eq> </exclusion> <exclusion type="http://services.ogf.org/nsi/2013/12/definitions/EVTS.A-GOLE#sdpCapacity"> <lt xsi:type="xsd:long">10000</lt> </exclusion> <exclusion type="http://services.ogf.org/nsi/2013/12/definitions/EVTS.A-GOLE#slrg"> <eq xsi:type="xsd:long">400</eq> <eq xsi:type="xsd:long">501</eq> <eq xsi:type="xsd:long">670</eq> </exclusion> </p2p:p2ps> Figure 144 – Inclusion/exclusion example #2. In Figure 145 the p2ps reservation request uses the “stpId” inclusion element to include in pathfinding only 10,000 mb/s links from four networks. <p2p:p2ps> <capacity>10000</capacity> <directionality>Bidirectional</directionality> <symmetricPath>true</symmetricPath> <sourceSTP>urn:ogf:network:kddilabs.jp:2013:topology:bi-ps?vlan=1780-1782</sourceSTP> <destSTP>urn:ogf:network:uvalight.net:2013:topology:ps?vlan=1780-1782</destSTP> <inclusion type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nsi/2013/12/services/point2point#stpId"> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:es.net:2013:</eq> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:icair.org:2013:topology</eq> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:manlan.internet2.edu:2013:</eq> <eq xsi:type="types:StpIdType">urn:ogf:network:netherlight.net:2013:production7</eq> <and type="http://services.ogf.org/nsi/2013/12/definitions/EVTS.A-GOLE#sdpCapacity"> <eq xsi:type="xsd:long">10000</eq> </and> </inclusion> </p2p:p2ps> Figure 145 – Inclusion/exclusion example #3.