Peoples, We need to get the startap topology corrected. At the moment we have a new set of vlans mapped through startap to singaren but the startap topology has not been updated. Here are the two undirectional entries from the singaren toplogy file: <nml:Relation type=""> <nml:PortGroup id=""> <nml:LabelGroup labeltype="">1779,1785-1799</nml:LabelGroup> <nml:Relation type=""> <nml:PortGroup id=""/> </nml:Relation> </nml:PortGroup> </nml:Relation> <nml:Relation type=""> <nml:PortGroup id=""> <nml:LabelGroup labeltype="">1779,1785-1799</nml:LabelGroup> <nml:Relation type=""> <nml:PortGroup id=""/> </nml:Relation> </nml:PortGroup> </nml:Relation> John