Hi All, Please find below minutes from last weeks conference call. Could you please check your contributions to the Architecture deliverable and let me know if there are any changes you would like to make. I look forward to receiving your contributions in advance of OGF26. Regards, Guy --------- Minutes NSI-WG conf call Attendees: Radek Krzywania (RK) Chin Guok (CG) Jeroen van der Ham (JH) John Vollbrecht (JV) Eduard Escalona (EE) Joan Antoni García Espín (JA) Sebastien Soudan (SS) Guy Roberts (GR) Not present, but nominated as authors: Gigi Karma-Edwards (GK) Tomohiro Kudoh (TK) Jerry Sobieski (JS) Jeff Boote (JB) Joe Mambretti (JMa) Joe Metzger (JMe) Andrew Lake (AL) Aaron Brown (AB) Pascale Primet (PP) Artur ? Mary? AP1 Chin G to follow up on authors for monitoring section AP2 John V to follow up with Aaron to see if he can lead topology sharing section. AP3 John V to follow up with JS/GK confirm lead for path computation section The purpose of this call was to assign authors to the Architecture deliverable. The author assignment is summarized here: 1. Naming and modelling This section considers the naming of network objects and the data modelling of these objects. Lead author: JH Authors: GR, JV Due date: 13 May 2. Topology sharing This section considers how topologies can be exchanged over the NSI interface. Lead author: AB (to be confirmed) Author: GR, JH, RK, JA Due date: 13 May 3. Path computation This section considers how path computation relates to the NSI interface – describes where is this function can be performed and the inputs and outputs of the path computation function. Lead author: GK/JS (to be confirmed) Author: RK, JA Due date: 13 May 4. Authentication and trust This section considers how to authenticate a user, ie how to validate users are who they claim to be. Lead author: Mary ? Author: JV Due date: 13 May 5. Authorization and policy This section considers the rights/authorizations that a user has once they have been authenticated. This section will not be covered in Chapel Hill 6. Service Discovery This section considers a service that replies to queries on resource/service availability. Lead author: EE Author: JS, JMa Due date: 6 May 7. Environments (tree/chain) This section considers the management plane/control plane architecture of the NSI, i.e. the way that the data flows over the NSI interface Lead author: RK Author: GR Due date: 6 May 8. Scheduling and job control This section considers how scheduling is supported by the NSI and associated job control flows. Lead author: TK Author: PP, SS Due date: 13 May 9. Connection Restoration This section considers how connections are restored after failure Lead author: CG Author: Artur Due date: 13 May 10. Monitoring This section considers how connection monitoring can be implemented Lead author: CG Author: AL/JB/JMe (to be confirmed) Due date: 13 May 11. Reservation This section described how a connection can be reserved and the associate parameters. Lead author: GR Author: JA, JV Due date: 13 May -- _____________________________________________________________________ ** Guy Roberts, PhD Network Engineering & Planning * * Tel: +44 (0)1223 371300 * * City House Direct: +44 (0)1223 371316 * 126-130 Hills Road Fax: +44 (0)1223 371371 * Cambridge * CB2 1PQ E-mail: guy.roberts@dante.org.uk D A N T E United Kingdom WWW: http://www.dante.net _____________________________________________________________________