Hello John and Jerry, I want to separate generic parameters from service-specific parameters. G-lambda interface introduced xsd:extension to inherit generic parameters in service-specific definition. Please find attached the sample xsd of general and service-specific definitions and the ppt describing parameter descriptions and usage scenario. By using xsd:extension, we don't need to list all service parameters in a xsd. I want to explain and discuss this methodology in today's conf call. Best regards, Takahiro John MacAuley wrote:
I think there is one major area we need to close on before I feel comfortable starting to write the associated document. It is specifically around the service parameters and how they are specified:
<!-- Parameters relating to the requested service. --> <xsd:complexType name="ServiceParametersType"> <xsd:sequence> <!-- Time parameters relating to the reservation. --> <xsd:element name="schedule" type="tns:ScheduleType"/> <xsd:element name="bandwidth" type="tns:BandwidthType"/> <xsd:element name="directionality" type="tns:DirectionalityType"/> <xsd:element name="pathObject" type="tns:PathObjectType"/> <xsd:element name="guaranteed" type="tns:AttributeSequenceType" minOccurs="0"/> <xsd:element name="preferred" type="tns:AttributeSequenceType" minOccurs="0"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType>
The main question I have is do we change this structure to be completely generic and list all service parameters through type/value pairs, or do we break out hose key ones as I have here and put the remaining in the type/value pairs?
Also, for bandwidth do we document the values as Mb/s or do I add an element to explicitly identify the unit as suggested in one provided comment.
Thank you, John.
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-- Takahiro Miyamoto <tk-miyamoto@kddilabs.jp> Integrated Core Network Control And Management Laboratory KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc. TEL: +81-49-278-7455 / FAX: +81-49-278-7811