Preliminary answers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uWWJS86fK4slJR5-uwy2Cdk4Asn7ut7HzhnueQ2c... Still waiting for clarifications on a few issues. /Henrik On Tue, 10 Mar 2015, Chin Guok wrote:
Hi all,
We will cancel the NSI meeting tomorrow (Mar 11) so folks have some time to work on the NSI topology distribution requirements/feature checklist. Attached is a pointer to the Google doc:
This document includes NSI core requirements, topology distribution requirements (as presented and discussed at the NSI-WG in Oxford Jan 2014), as well as additional requirements discussed in the weekly calls and subsequent face-to-face meetings (relating to recent policy enforcement issues).
The document cannot be modified, but anyone who has the pointer above has permissions to leave comments. The co-chairs will try and address any comments as necessary.
For folks who have submitted a proposal, kindly make a copy of the document and fill it in accordingly. Please be brief and succinct with your answers (you can assume that anyone who wants more information can refer to your proposals), and share a link with the working group when you are done. We would like everyone to have their documents done by Mon Mar 16.
Tentatively we plan to have a final Q&A session next week during the regular NSI call and finalize the voting process.
- Chin -- Chin Guok NOC: (510) 486-7600 Network Engineer (800) 333-7638 ESnet Network Engineering Group (AS293) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net> Software Developer, NORDUnet