I think you are assuming a more nefarious intention. At the moment I am only using the NML to bootstrap my NSI topology, and I was trying to figure out how I could utilize more as the core model to my path finder. Here is what I am doing now: 1. Read individual NML definitions (NSA). 2a. Create NSA, Network, and Port (unidirectional and bidirectional) objects. At this point I am done with NML. 2b. Determine bidirectional port connectivity via the unidirectional component objects. 3. Topology consolidation - Create unidirectional and bidirectional STP from the Port definitions. 4. Create unidirectional and bidirectional SDP using the port connectivity information. Path finding validates source and destination STP, then uses networks (vertices) and SDP (edges) for the graph. I was hoping to keep NML further into the process by using the link objects to consolidate the individual topologies for path finding, removing the need for me to create SDP. But if this is bad then I will continue to model the topology using NSI objects. John On 2013-09-25, at 4:11 PM, Jeroen van der Ham <vdham@uva.nl> wrote:
On 25 Sep 2013, at 16:49, John MacAuley <john.macauley@surfnet.nl> wrote:
Hmm… that seems to be an unneeded artificial restriction. I should be able to build up my unidirectional topologies into other network constructs based on my needs. Saying you can only have unidirectional topology is like saying you can paint as much art as you want but only using black.
As soon as we would add this construct everyone would just use NML to construct bidirectional topologies, and leaving out the unidirectional part. Then if the need ever arises to do asymmetrical, unidirectional, or disjoint return paths, then you can't because everyone is using bidirectional constructs.