On 11-07-2012 11:09, Henrik Thostrup Jensen wrote:
In some aspect VLAN is part of the data we move around so it shouldn't really be touched, however they are so used that it is something we have to support with the quirks that come with it.
I disagree, to me the VLAN is part of the header, not of the data stream. I presume that the actual end-user submits his/hers data to the network without VLAN, even though by the time it reaches the first STP the network provider will likely added a VLAN to the data. Would it be useful to distinguish between a C-VLAN (which I consider part of the data stream) and the S-VLAN and/or I-SID (which I consider part of the ISP headers)? (and you may now point me at the fact that I mixed C-VLAN and S-VLAN in my previous message, oops.) Perhaps more important: I presume most STP will be a 802.1Q Ethernet interface, thus with VLAN tags. Would NSI also support a STP without VLAN tags? Freek