Status: Accepted Owner: jmacau...@gmail.com Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium FoundInVersion-1.0 FixedInVersion-1.SC New issue 46 by jmacau...@gmail.com: Remove remote import of schema from local copies of SAML related schema files. http://code.google.com/p/ogf-nsi-project/issues/detail?id=46 Description of Issue: There are still "<!DOCTYPE ...>" descriptions in "xenc-schema.xsd" and "xmldsig-core-schema.xsd". The descriptions should be removed or commented out because they cause remote access to the www.w3.org site during compilation and introduce some delay. Discussion of Issue: We have already provided local copies of the SAML schema and modified the import statements to load from the local copy. I see no reason not to accommodate this request. Resolution of Issue: JM will comment out the problem import statements.