Jeroen Please thank Cees from all of our behalf! Does he have any preference on the dates as well when he will be there to buy us dinner? Inder Jeroen van der Ham wrote:
On behalf of Cees de Laat I can offer to host the meeting in Amsterdam. It would make it easier for some of the european contributors to attend, who might normally not travel to the other far away locations. As well as some other people from the Amsterdam area.
To make the deal even sweeter, Cees is offering to buy you all dinner :)
On 30 Nov 2011, at 01:30, Inder Monga wrote:
The demonstrations and progress on the protocol have been tremendous, thanks to your active participation. Now is the time to plan for the next steps, finish the standards specification, and tackle topology. In order to go over these detail oriented and/or contentious issues, we would like to organize a 3-day interim meeting where the NSI participants can get together and make focused progress. Please respond with your preferences below so we may choose the best possible week and location.
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NSI Interim Face-to-Face meeting
Please click on your preferred week *
* Feb 6 - 9th * Feb 13 - 17 (overlaps with APAN meeting in Thailand) * Feb 20 - 24th * Feb 27 - March 2nd (ON*VECTOR likely at San Diego) * Mar 5 - 8th (Overlaps with OFC/NFOEC in LAX) * March 9 - 15 (Combine with OGF meeting in Oxford
Please add your preferred location * Which place can you travel to?
* Japan * Berkeley * Washington D.C. * Cambridge * Some other location!
Please enter your comments If none of the above work for you, please suggest alternatives.
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-- Inder Monga 510-486-6531 http://www.es.net Follow us on Twitter: ESnetUpdates/Twitter <http://bit.ly/bisCAd> Visit our blog: ESnetUpdates Blog <http://bit.ly/9lSTO3><http://bit.ly/d2Olql>