Dear John, all, I got confused with the date of the VC. As you suggested doing it on the 8th of May and the email arrived me on the 6th of May (CEST timezone), I discarded the word "tomorrow", believing "May- 8" was a harder statement. Sorry for not double checking the date and time. I'm willing to read the minutes. My best regards, -- Joan Antoni García Espín CTX, Fundació i2Cat
-----Mensaje original----- De: [] En nombre de John Vollbrecht Enviado el: miércoles, 06 de mayo de 2009 6:18 Para: Asunto: [Nsi-wg] call tomorrow -May 8
We will have a call tomorrow morning Wed 5/8 at 9AM ET. Call information is
Call: +1-734-615-7474 (PSTN CALL-OUT DOES NOT WORK) or +1-866-411-0013 (toll free US/Canada Only) Enter access code: 0155180
possible agenda -
NSI meeting last week continue discussion of architecture strawman doc update on contributions
John Vollbrecht Senior Network Engineer, Internet2 office 734 352 4960 cell 734 395 7890
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