
You are correct in that the JAX-WS 2.0 asynchronous invocation model is an elegant solution and it can be used on the existing synchronous WSDL definition by annotating the service definition binding with "<enableAsyncMapping>true</enableAsyncMapping>".  This will let you utilize the JAX-WS asynchronous interface with the existing synchronous WSDL message interaction.

Can I assume you want to take this one step further and use the WS-Addressing asynchronous message exchange?  For those in Hong Kong you may remember be discussing WS-Addressing in one of the presentations.  I had thought about using it, but I was concerned implementation compatibility, and peoples willingness to move away from the synchronous pattern.  This was why I simulated a similar mechanism using the synchronous model, and putting the replyTo address and a transactionId in the message specification.

I am open to revisiting the topic as it will only change the WSDL specific files.


On 2011-04-26, at 3:32 AM, Atsuko Takefusa wrote:

Hi all,

Jouh, could you send us "ogf_nsi_connection_faults_1_0.wsdl", please?
I cannot generate stub files.

By the way, it might be too late,,, I have investigated on web
services asyncronous call and I thought why we would not use the
JAX-WS asynchronous invocation model.
General WS development tools, such as Axis and CXF, support this
model, which enables us to develop client and server codes easily and


G-lambda, AIST

2011/4/25 John MacAuley <>:
Found a small error this morning when updating the reserveRequest XML instance.  Have attached all the files again.


On 2011-04-24, at 11:37 PM, John MacAuley wrote:

I have attached an update XSD and both the interface and service WSDL.  Please have a look at these new versions as there are some changes.

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Atsuko Takefusa
Information Technology Research Institute, AIST